
Can you do laundry on a submarine?

Can you do laundry on a submarine?

Like all the other posters have indicated, the answer is “yes”, submarines to have clothes washers and dryers. Normally, there is only one washer and one dryer. The sub I served on had the washer and dryer near the back of the torpedo room. The washer and dryer were Swedish made and very small to fit in a sub.

How does laundry get done on a submarine?

Washing machine requires pure water, because salt could damage fabrics. So the water is taken from the ocean, then is purified and undergoes electrolysis to get the salt out. Then it goes into washing machines, showers and the kitchen tap.

Do they have showers on submarines?

Submarines most definitely have showers. Even older ones. Now in WWII, most “fleet boats” did not as they had no way to efficiently make fresh water.

What happens to toilet waste on a submarine?

“Sanitary Tanks” inside the pressure hull hold the waste water from toilets, showers, etc and is usually pumped overboard. Submarines can also empty some of the sanitary tanks by pressurizing them and discharging them overboard.

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Can you wear deodorant on a submarine?

Sailors cannot use aerosols because they release chemicals that cannot be removed by its air-conditioning unit. Lashings of perfume and aerosol deodorants would contaminate the atmosphere, which is constantly monitored.

What do submarines do with their garbage?

Waste that is discharged overboard must either be pumped out against the ambient sea pressure or blown out using pressurized air. Waste materials are collected and periodically discharged. Dry waste is consolidated using a trash compactor and then placed in special cans.

How do you breath on a submarine?

How do you breathe onboard a submarine?

  1. Electrolysis. Submarines produce the majority of the oxygen they need by liberating it from the surrounding water.
  2. Oxygen Candles. A chlorate candle, or an oxygen candle, is a cylindrical chemical oxygen generator that contains a mix of sodium chlorate and iron powder.