
Can you fix a bent flute?

Can you fix a bent flute?

If you need to fix a flute with bent or broken keys, it should always be fixed by a professional. Attempting to fix a flute by bending the keys back into place can result in even more damage to the instrument. Even if they never get sticky, the pads on your flute will need to be replaced as they age.

What is flute oil?

This is a non-toxic, safe, linseed oil compound designed by Choroi to keep your pentatonic flute hydrated, inside and out, maintaining the sound quality of the instrument. May also be used on other wooden flutes and recorders. Linseed oil is also known as flaxseed oil.

Can you use wd40 on a flute?

2 – Old oil – For this you need some penetrating oil (something like WD-40) . DO NOT SPRAY THE FLUTE WITH OIL!

Can you use Vaseline on flute?

You should never use cork grease or vaseline on the joints of the flute. The keys themselves should only be oiled by a professional instrument repairer. The two joins on the flute (between the headjoint, the body and the footjoint) don’t need lubricating per se, but sometimes they can get a bit tight.

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How much does it cost to fix a flute dent?

As long as the lip plate itself is not damaged, it should be a relatively easy repair. Often, large round dents are easier to remove than small dents that place a crease in the metal. Prices will vary depending upon the severity and each repair shop has their own pricing but I would guess in the range of $25-$50.

Can you use Vaseline on your flute?

Can I use hydrogen peroxide to clean my flute?

FLUTES:​ can wipe down the head joint mouth plate with isopropyl alcohol. You can also use a pad saver instead of swabbing. Use hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol once a month to wipe down the mouthpiece. Do not submerge any part of the instrument in water.

Should flute joints be greased?

Since the joints of the flute are made of fitted metal, never put cork grease or any other kind of grease on them. The joints of the flute are adjusted to have clearances of mere microns.