
Can you have 2 variables with the same name?

Can you have 2 variables with the same name?

Can we have two variables with the same name one as an integer and the second as float in c? – Quora. Yes, if they are not in the same lexical scope. For example (we have two variables named x , one is the formal int x , and another is the double x in the inside block).

How is it possible that two variables with the same name can have different values?

1 It’s not possible, an if statement has no special scope, so you can’t have two variables with the same name within the same scope and access both, the latter will overwrite the former, so they should have different names. This is because an if statement doesn’t create another scope for variables.

Can we declare two variables or functions with same name in a program?

A name can represent only one entity in each scope. That is why, in the same scope, there cannot be two variables with the same name as this may generate compiler errors. We can declare two variables or member functions that have the same name within the same scope using namespace .

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Can two variables have the same name in C++?

Do not use the same variable name in two scopes where one scope is contained in another. A block should not declare a variable with the same name as a variable declared in any block that contains it.

Can we declare same variables in two times globally?

You can declare a variable multiple times.. The global variable has external linkage. So, multiple declaration of global variables is possible. ,I noticed that if I declare a global variable multiple times the compiler does not even output a warning.,The local variable has no linkage.

Can two variables have the same name in Java?

However, the Java VM has more lenient rules for variable naming than the Java language itself. For instances, a valid class file can have several variables named ‘a’, as long as they have different types. If you decompile such a class, the source code you get will not be valid.

Can a function and a variable have the same name?

You cant because if you have example(), ‘example’ is a pointer to that function. This is the right answer. There are function pointers, which are variables. But also, all function names are treated as const function pointers!

What happens when two namespaces have the same name explain with code?

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What happens when two namespaces having the same name? for the purpose of avoiding conflicts with the elements of an unrelated code which have the same names. – When two name spaces are having same name, the corresponding compiler uses our name spaces instead of the type.

When two variables have the same name but one is global and one is local the JavaScript program will not run?

When a global and local variable share the same name, a JavaScript program will not compile. Functions are made up of two parts, the name and the parameters. How do you get an answer from a function? You return it.

Can function name and variable name be same C++?

You can see that since in C , and therefore in C++ , you can issue an “address of”, it is not legal to have variables and functions with the same name within the same scope of resolution.

When both global and local variables have the same name?

If a global and a local variable with the same name are in scope, which means accessible, at the same time, your code can access only the local variable.

What happens if you declare a variable twice?

Declaring the same variable twice is as good as declaring it once. Below statement will not bring any impact. var a, a; in the below case you are just overriding the variable foo.

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What is an example of an integer variable in C?

For example: int age = 10, reach = 100; In this example, two variables called age and reach would be defined as integers and be assigned the values 10 and 100, respectively. Below is an example C program where we declare these two variables and assign their values:

Can you have multiple variables in a declaration statement?

If your variables are the same type, you can define multiple variables in one declaration statement. You can also assign the variables a value in the declaration statement. In this example, two variables called age and reach would be defined as integers and be assigned the values 10 and 100, respectively.

What is the syntax for declaring multiple integer variables?

Or the syntax for declaring multiple integer variables is: The name of the first variable to declare. Optional. If provided, it is the value to assign to variable_name1. Optional. These are additional variables that will be declared with the same C type.

Can two variables of different functions have the same address?

So, two variables of different function can have same address (but at different times). Look at the difference between ‘static’ and ‘automatic’ memory allocation. You are using automatic memory allocation in function declarations and the memory is freed when the function is exited: