
Can you use a portkey in Hogwarts?

Can you use a portkey in Hogwarts?

There is a protection spell around Hogwarts which disallows people to use any means of magic to get into or outside Hogwarts, and therefore one cannot apparate or disapparate or use portkeys to get into or outside Hogwarts.

Can a person be a portkey?

Yes. Most of the time, a Portkey is an everyday object that would not draw the attention of muggles.

Why didnt they use a Portkey in Deathly Hallows?

They couldn’t have used a portkey, because it’s regulated by the ministry of magic. For one, the Ministry would know that Harry’s been moved from number 4. Another thing is that it’s illegal to have an unauthorized portkey, and the Order needs everyone they can within the ministry.

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Why did the Cup have to be the Portkey?

The Cup was made into a Portkey because Harry was bound to touch it with Crouch Jr. making it easier for Harry. If Harry were to disappear anytime during the school year, it would have triggered a massive manhunt and with Dumbledore in charge, the truth would be found out.

How does a Portkey work?

Almost any inanimate object can be turned into a Portkey. Once bewitched, the object will transport anyone who grasps it to a pre-arranged destination. A Portkey may also be enchanted to transport the grasper (or graspers) only at a given time.

What is a Portkey and how does it work?

A Portkey was a magical object enchanted to instantly bring anyone touching it to a specific location. In most cases, a Portkey was an everyday object that would not draw the attention of a Muggle. Travelling by Portkey was said to feel like having a hook “somewhere behind the navel” pulling the traveller to their location.

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What are the risks of portkeying?

Portkey can cause an unwary person who did NOT intend to get transported to be portkeyed AND as per above, risk death if Portkey is accidentally released (due to surprise) prematurely.

How many times can you use a Portkey?

As portkeys can usually be used once only, it can be concluded that the cup was a portkey to begin with, even before Bartemius Crouch Jnr meddled with it. It appears that objects can be modified by multiple Portus charms.

Why is the Cup a Portkey in Harry Potter?

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when Harry grabbed the cup again in the graveyard, he was transported to the edge or entrance to the maze. As portkeys can usually be used once only, it can be concluded that the cup was a portkey to begin with, even before Bartemius Crouch Jnr meddled with it.