
Can you use nitroglycerin for bullets?

Can you use nitroglycerin for bullets?

Triple-base propellants contain nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and nitroguanidine, but are reserved mainly for extremely high-caliber ammunition rounds such as those used in tank cannons and naval artillery.

Can c4 be used in bullets?

C-4 is very stable and insensitive to most physical shocks. C-4 cannot be detonated by a gunshot or by dropping it onto a hard surface. It does not explode when set on fire or exposed to microwaves. Detonation can only be initiated by a shockwave, such as when a detonator inserted into it is fired.

Is dynamite used in bullets?

This mixture is no longer used in modern ammunition, as it produces copious amounts of smoke. But in Hollywood, that’s not a problem. In fact, it can be an advantage used to create dramatic effects by pyrotechnicians.

What explosive is used in modern bullets?

In single-base powders, nitrocellulose is the only explosive present. Other ingredients and additives are added to obtain suitable form, desired burning characteristics, and stability.

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Why is medical nitroglycerin not explosive?

Usually, chemical compounds rely on external sources of oxygen in order to combust or cause an explosive reaction. In nitroglycerin’s case, this step is skipped entirely because it has a vast quantity of oxygen molecules in its chemical structure!

Is nitroglycerin a high explosive?

Nitroglycerin is an oily, colourless liquid, but also a high explosive that is so unstable that the slightest jolt, impact or friction can cause it to spontaneously detonate. It is the speed of the decomposition reaction which makes nitroglycerin such a violent explosive.

Can dynamite explode when dropped?

Dynamite is nitroglycerine rendered insensitive by mixing it with diatomaceous earth. By design it will not explode upon impact but requires a powerful explosive shock from a blasting cap in order to set it off.

Will dynamite explode if you drop it?