
Can your boss make you read a book?

Can your boss make you read a book?

An employee of mine works for another dentist part-time. The dentist is requiring her and all of his staff to read a 292-page self-help book not related to her position or dentistry. He said they have to write a report and take a test on this book. They are not being paid to do this.

What are the laws governing compensation?

The prevailing law, titled the Fair Labor Standards Act, or FLSA for short, sets the minimum dollar amount that an employer can pay an employee. An employer must pay whichever wage is higher in the state in which they operate. The second law that dictates compensation is the Equal Pay Act of 1963.

What are three current issues regarding employee rights in the workplace?

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7 Common Employment Law Issues

  • Discrimination.
  • Harassment.
  • The Family and Medical Leave Act.
  • Minimum wage disputes.
  • Overtime disputes.
  • Salary misclassification.
  • Wrongful termination.

Can my employer make me work without pay?

Employers in the United States must pay employees for all hours worked and cannot force workers to labor without receiving minimum compensation set by federal or state law. An employer cannot sanction, discriminate against or fire an employee for not working without pay.

Is it unprofessional to read at work?

sit? This is very, very workplace-dependent. There are jobs that are 100\% fine with you reading, including textbooks, when you have downtime, as long as there’s nothing work-related you could be doing instead. There are jobs where it’s fine as long as there are no customers around.

How do you get employees to read books?

Here are a few of the ways we’re doing that:

  1. Make it easy for employees to read by buying books for them.
  2. Create a space for book discussion like a Slack channel or book club.
  3. Lead by example, have the leadership team read and share more.
  4. How other companies are making reading a priority.
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What is legal consideration in compensation?

Legal consideration can be in the form of monetary compensation or a type of good or service to be rendered by the promisee in exchange for the promise delivered by the promisor.

Which law regulates the determination of the form of compensation?

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is probably the most important piece of compensation legislation.

Can a manager tell you not to come in?

Yes your boss can tell you not to come to work but find out why. Your boss has to give you a reason why he doesn’t want you to come to. work It depends also are you full time or part time too.

How many books should I ask my employees to read?

There are some good additional ideas you could have them learn, and you could always cap it. For instance, read 1 book and provide a report back and get a $x raise. Read 2 books… etc. all the way up to 5 books or whatever top level you decide. Hi Ben.

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What kind of books should you give your employees?

It could range from books that management picks for all workers to read — ones that get at the company’s core philosophies — to books that managers suggest for specific employees, with an eye toward helping make the employee better.

Do employers need to keep records of non-exempt employees’ work hours?

Employers must keep accurate records of non-exempt employees’ work hours. This seemingly straightforward process can become complex when employees punch-in early or leave late, travel for business, participate in company trainings, and use mobile devices to remain connected to work after-hours.

Should workplace reading be encouraged?

“I think it really applies to the workplace and the kind of environments we want to create,” said Ben Eubanks, a human resources analyst at Brandon Hall Group and an advocate for workplace reading. “One of the things that I like best is when you read it and I read it, and then we get together and talk about it.