
Did Dobby steal the Gillyweed?

Did Dobby steal the Gillyweed?

Dobby was Harry’s first house-elf friend: in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, he’s the one who tells Harry that Lucius Malfoy planted Tom Riddle’s diary on Ginny Weasley. So Dobby steals gillyweed from Professor Snape’s private stores to allow Harry to breathe underwater during the second task.

Did Harry Potter steal Gillyweed?

Gillyweed in Harry Potter’s hand In February 1995, Harry Potter used Gillyweed during the Second Task of the 1994 Triwizard Tournament. Dobby gave it to him, after overhearing a conversation which Bartemius Crouch Junior (disguised as Alastor Moody), staged with Professor McGonagall.

How did Dobby punish himself?

Dobby was so shocked to hear that they managed to return to Hogwarts that he accidentally allowed the Malfoys’ dinner to burn, for which he was punished.

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Why couldnt they use magic to save Dobby?

Harry couldn’t use a spell to save Dobby because he had never been taught advanced healing spells. Simple things like repairing glasses and cute only go so far. It would have taken very powerful magic to heal the wound Bellatrix’s knife caused.

How did Neville get Gillyweed?

The real culprit of the Polyjuice robbery was Barty Crouch Jr (disguised as Mad Eye Moody) and Dobby stole the gillyweed. In the fourth film, Neville, instead of Dobby, stole the gillyweed, so it is likely that it came from the same source – Snape’s office.

Is Dobby in the Goblet of Fire movie?

In ‘Goblet of Fire,’ Dobby briefly appears at the Quidditch World Cup camp. “The Chamber of Secrets” is where we first meet Dobby.

Can Hermione save Dobby?

The dagger used by Bellatrix was a cursed dagger. Healing a wound caused by a cursed dagger requires immense medical skills. Hermione is not a medical witch. She can’t heal Dobby.

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Who stole the Gillyweed from Snape?

In the same year, Dobby stole gillyweed for Harry before the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. As the office had been locked with a spell that only a wizard could break, Snape suspected Harry to be the culprit on all three counts of robbery.

Who gives Harry the Gillyweed in Harry Potter?

In the film, Neville Longbottom tells Harry about Gillyweed (he learned of it in a book Crouch/”Moody had given him), and Harry is given the actual Gillyweed by Neville and told to put it in his mouth by Crouch. In the book, it is Dobby who tells Harry about it and gives Harry the Gillyweed,…

Why did Dobby stop writing to Harry Potter?

Dobby notes that Harry’s friends haven’t written to him, which leads Harry to realize that Dobby has been stopping his letters, thinking that if Harry believed his friends didn’t care about him, he would not want to go back to school.

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What does Dobby say to Harry about Voldemort?

Harry asks if Dobby ’s warning has anything to do with Voldemort, and Dobby slowly shakes his head, though he seems to be trying to give Harry a hint. Harry simply says that with Dumbledore at Hogwarts, he can’t think who might try to make horrible things happen there.

Who is Dobby in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

Dobby (28 June (year unknown) – March, 1998) was a male house-elf who served the Malfoy family. His masters were Dark Wizards who treated him cruelly. In 1992 he disobeyed his masters and tried to warn Harry Potter of the plot to have the Chamber of Secrets reopened. He came to know this via the…