
Do Fahaka puffers need hard water?

Do Fahaka puffers need hard water?

Water parameters Fahaka puffers are tropical fish that need a water temperature of 75° F to 82° F. This pufferfish is highly sensitive to soft water, so the water hardness in your aquarium should be between 10 and 12 dKH with a pH of close to 7.0.

How often should you feed Fahaka puffer?

Feeding an adult Fahaka every three to four days will keep him from becoming overweight and lazy. I give mine a small treat in between feedings from time to time but do not make a habit of it. Over feeding your puffer can take years off his life…

What can you keep with a Fahaka puffer?

Good Tank Mates for Fahaka Puffers

  • Silver Dollars, Tinfoil Barbs, and othe large schooling fish.
  • Guppies, Tetras, and other tiny fish.

Do Fahaka puffers need sand?

It is important that the Fahaka puffer is provided with a very soft, sand substrate for wallowing. A soft sand substrate should be considered an essential and not an optional extra.

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Do Fahaka puffers need plants?

Fahaka Puffer fish require their water to be at a temperature of around 75°F to 82°F. Most owners of Fahaka Puffer fish prefer a softer substrate so that they can place their plants easily. You may want to avoid rough decor, or plants so that they do not potentially damage your Fahaka Puffer fish.

What do Fahaka puffers eat?

People who keep fahaka puffers in captivity generally feed them crawfish and shrimp. Some feed them live fish, but others warn these can cause infections if they have diseases. But really, they can eat pretty much whatever you throw at them.

Can Fahaka puffers get ich?

Yes, puffers can get ich. Raising the temperature and water changes are good to do during an ich outbreak.

Where are Fahaka puffers from?

The fahaka pufferfish (from Arabic: فهقة), also known as the Nile puffer, globe fish, lineatus puffer (Tetraodon lineatus), is a tropical freshwater pufferfish found in the upper Nile, Chad, Senegal, Gambia, Geba, Volta and Turkana basins in West, Northeast and East Africa.

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Do fahaka puffers need plants?

Can a fahaka puffer live with other fish?

Fahaka puffer has a very curious and intelligent nature and it becomes domesticated quite easily, however at that the fish is rather aggressive towards other fishes. Its very likely that puffer will kill or hurt other fishes that will inhabit in the same tank with it.

How long do Fahaka Puffers take to grow?

Fahaka Puffers grow relatively quickly. A healthy, young Fahaka Puffer will grow at a rate of about 1” (2.5cm) per month for the first 12 months or so. Over the next 12 months they will usually grow by about another 6” (15cm). A Fahaka Puffer should reach around 18” (45cm) by the time it is 2 years old.

Where are Fahaka Puffers from?

What size tank does a Fahaka puffer fish need?

If you are wanting to keep Fahaka Puffer fish, you will need a tank that is at minimum 100 gallons. Fahaka Puffer fish require their water to be at a temperature of around 75°F to 82°F. Fahaka Puffer fish are sensitive to soft water, and do best when kept between 10 and 12 dKH, and 7.0 to 8.0 pH.

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What kind of water does a pufferfish need?

Fahaka Pufferfish is a freshwater species, but it can easily tolerate low salinity of water (up to 5\%). Once a week, 20\% of the water should be changed in the aquarium. Many aquarists use tap water for water changes, completely forgetting that it can contain a number of compounds dangerous to fish, such as chlorine and heavy metals.

Do Fahaka pufferfish kill each other?

Fahaka pufferfish have powerful bites and can inflict serious injuries on other fish with ease. These injuries are not always instantly fatal and it is very common for their victims to live for several days after the initial attack. We have seen Fahaka pufferfish die themselves after attacking their tank mates.

How do you care for a Fahaka?

Powerheads with narrow gaps in the grill may be used to create additional flow. We would advise that cages or guards (such as anemone guards) are used on powerheads to prevent injury to the fish if they become trapped. With the correct care, the Fahaka can live to in excess of 20 years.