
Do I have to treat my house if my cat has fleas?

Do I have to treat my house if my cat has fleas?

They can propel themselves onto us, in our hair and our bedding, carpets and furniture cushions. If you suspect your pet has fleas, consult your veterinarian. If she confirms their presence, all your pets and the environment you share will need to be treated for fleas.

Where do fleas mostly hide on cats?

The armpits and groin are two areas that are warm and protected; favored spots for fleas to hide out. Check your cat’s ears carefully for signs of scratching, redness, blood, or dirt. These can all be signs of fleas.

How do you know how bad a flea infestation is?

You will notice clusters of red bumps on your feet, ankle, and legs. If that ever happens to you, you might have pests on your couch or bed. If you notice there’s a lot of red bumps on your skin, the flea infestation is beyond your control.

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Can you bring fleas home from someone else’s house?

Can humans carry fleas from one home to another? It’s rare that a flea will transfer from one body to another. It’s more likely that an animal or person will get fleas from areas where animals live and sleep. It’s possible that bringing an infested pet bed into a new home could spread fleas to another source.

Why does my indoor cat keep getting fleas?

Even if only a few fleas or ticks are brought inside, the parasites can lay thousands of eggs and put your indoor cat at risk. “Outdoor areas can become infested during warm weather in areas with a large population of dogs, stray cats, squirrels, birds, rats, mice and other mammals,” says Fink.

Can humans spread fleas and ticks to cats?

Flea and tick migration isn’t just limited to other animals—humans that visit your home may bring the pests indoors in the form of adults, eggs, larvae or pupae, says Fink. For your cat to become infected with a tick, the tick would have to drop off a person and re-attach itself to your cat, says Fink.

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Why do I have fleas in my house without a pet?

You may be dealing with fleas within your home even if you don’t have a pet. This often occurs when people move into a house where cats or dogs have previously lived. A flea infestation can occur many months after the initial exposure, as flea eggs can lay dormant for several months before hatching.

Can you see flea eggs on a cat?

You may not be able to see flea eggs on your cat. But you may notice them on your cat’s bedding or favorite napping place. When it comes to indoor cats, allowing an outside animal into the home or a human bringing flea eggs home on their clothes are the main ways felines could catch fleas.
