
Do you think the tank was an effective weapon in WWI?

Do you think the tank was an effective weapon in WWI?

The tank was not decisive during the war, but it added an important weapon to the Allied arsenal, especially when used in a combined-arms role with artillery, infantry, machine-guns, mortars, and tactical air power.

Which country has the best tank?

Military > Army > Main battle tanks: Countries Compared

1 Russia 22,710
2 China 9,000
3 United States 8,725
4 India 5,978

Why were tanks not effective in ww1?

They were also highly unreliable mechanically and prone to breaking down. The interior of each tanks was also a hot, noisy, and often fume filled environment for the crew.

Why were tanks so effective in ww1?

The tank was developed as a means to break the stalemate on the Western Front in World War I. Military technology of the time favored the defense. Even if an attack did succeed, it was almost impossible to exploit the breach before the enemy rushed in reinforcements to stabilize the front.

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Why do tanks back up after firing?

Why do tanks back up after firing the main gun? – Quora. Tanks reverse immediately after firing to change location, and so that enemy combatants can’t just shoot where they saw the blast and hit the tank. Tanks are all about shooting and scooting.

What were the disadvantages of tanks in ww1?

The tanks were very slow and would often get ditched in trenches that were too wide. They were also extremely slow (the speed around 3mph), They were quite unreliable too. Also, they weren’t so good in rough terrain. Therefore wide trenches or steep hills could pose a problem for tanks.

Why was the tank effective in ww1?

What is the most advanced main battle tank in the world?

Currently the Black Panther is one of the most advanced main battle tank in the world, outclassing anything North Korea or China have. Furthermore it is the most expensive main battle tank to date.

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What is the best tank in the world?

The Leo 2 is often credited as the best tank when taking into account the costs and economics. When purely looking at combat performance the Abrams is credided number 1. The Abrams is the F-22 and the Leo 2 the F-35 (or Typhoon). Cheaper so affordable to countries with smaller defence budget.

Is the Black Panther the most advanced tank in the world?

Currently the Black Panther is one of the most advanced main battle tank in the world, outclassing anything North Korea or China have. Furthermore it is the most expensive main battle tank to date. Deliveries of the K2 Black Panther tank commenced to the South Korean Army in 2016.

What was the best American tank in WW2?

The Sherman is probably the most well known US tank of the war. But the best was probably the M18 Hellcat. As ‘The Pocket Lint’ says, it was a brilliant tank destroyer, and it had the highest kill-to-loss ration than any other US tank of the war. Despite only 2,500 being built, they took out 526 enemy tanks!