
Does Ketu in 5th house indicate that the person would not be able to love anyone?

Does Ketu in 5th house indicate that the person would not be able to love anyone?

Receiving love is denied, it seems, until enough is given. If for example Ketu is in Libra in the fifth, others in his life leave the person because he expects too much. Ketu in Aries indicates the person’s own egotism destroys love through impatience.

Is Venus bad for Pisces ascendant?

There is NO such thing as Bad or Good Venus or for matter NO planet is Bad. Every planet has a message — a mission to improve you — to awake you. If you remain positive then even a suffering can become a blessing in disguise! For Pisces Ascendant — Venus is NOT harmful.

Can Ketu give fame?

KETU is never behind Fame. Only a man who can rejoice in ALONENESS can understand LOVE. Only a man who find his BLISS in ALONENESS can understand LIFE. Ketu understands Life.

Does Ketu cause miscarriage?

Miscarriage: As per a mother horoscope, if the graha Sani or Rahu or Ketu giving the results houses are in operation in Dasha or Antardasha during pregnancy, they may cause Miscarriages for the mother.

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Who is the Lord of Pisces ascendant?

Jupiter is the lord of Pisces ascendants. And, its position as the Lagna lord for Pisces risings is considered beneficial. However, at the same time, it is also the lord of the 10th House. Hence, it is better known to be a neutral benefic planet for Pisces ascendants.

What happens when Ketu is in 5th house in Vedic astrology?

The natives of Ketu in the fifth house also have a liking to get involved in research work. The presence of Ketu in the 5th house endows the natives with a curiosity in occult sciences and in some cases, black magic too. At the same time, the chances of gains from speculation are quite likely.

What does Ketu in Pisces mean in astrology?

Pisces is a water sign ruled by benevolent Jupiter. Pisces is a sign of intuition and imagination. And when mysterious Ketu in placed in it, the native has a tendency to get lost in the dream world. Ketu doesn’t have a mind of its own since it is the Dragon’s tail. In Pisces, it makes the native irresolute and double minded.

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What is the effect of South node (Ketu) in 5th house?

How South Node (Ketu) affects all aspects of fifth house and results varies in horoscope of persons with respect to ascendants, aspects, transit etc. (South Node) Ketu in 5th house in horoscope is never appreciated at all, it makes person immoral, gives very strange emotions and peculiar feelings.

What are the effects of Rahu Ketu exalted in the 5th house?

Rahu ketu exalted in the period of kalyug give material benefits but not internal peace. , A non-professional Astrologer for over a decade . The first and immediate effect of Ketu in 5th house will be on progeny – it will block the birth of a child.