
Does the FBI have access to Apple?

Does the FBI have access to Apple?

It was revealed as a part of the 2013 mass surveillance disclosures by Edward Snowden that the NSA and the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) had access to the user data in iPhones, BlackBerry, and Android phones and could read almost all smartphone information, including SMS, location, emails, and …

Why did Apple refuse to unlock their phones?

Apple believed that creating a back door into the phone would weaken security and could be used by malicious actors. The FBI sought a court order to compel Apple to help the government. Weeks later, the FBI backed down after it had found an outside group that had a solution to gain access to the phone.

Who unlocked the San Bernardino iPhone?

iPhone from 2015 San Bernardino shooting was unlocked for FBI by Australian security firm, report says. Five years later, more details are coming out about how the encryption was cracked by the federal agency. The iPhone 5C was at the center of a battle between the FBI and Apple.

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Why should Apple help the FBI?

The FBI believed Apple should help it obtain information to investigate the terrorist attack. Apple believed that creating a back door into the phone would weaken security and could be used by malicious actors. Doing so would help preserve its reputation as having secure devices.

Does Apple support law enforcement?

Apple has launched a new Law Enforcement Support Program which will include a number of new tools and initiatives to help law enforcement agencies and their officials deal with data and privacy requests, MacRumors reports.

Can the Feds tap your iPhone?

Federal agents cannot legally tap your phone whenever they want to. They have to follow strict guidelines and go through a specific process to obtain approval.

Can NSA hack iPhone?

Yes. The NSA can hack your IPHONE and they do as necessary. They own every bit of data that runs through the cloud.

Why did the FBI want to unlock the iPhone?

In January, following the shootings, the bureau had asked Apple to help it unlock two iPhones that belonged to murderer Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani. Also in January, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said that its investigations showed the incident was an act of terrorism, motivated by jihadist ideology.

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Can the police unlock your iPhone?

Short answer: If your phone is protected by a passcode or biometric unlocking features, there’s a chance police can’t gain access to your personal data. But that’s not guaranteed. But if your phone is locked with a passcode and law enforcement can’t hack into it, the Fifth Amendment may be your friend.

How did the FBI Unlock Iphone?

The actual hacking was reportedly done by two Azimuth employees who gained access to the phone by exploiting a vulnerability in an upstream software module written by Mozilla. That code was reportedly used by Apple in iPhones to enable the use of accessories with the Lightning port.

Can Apple unlock the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone?

Apple can develop the patch specifically for the shooter’s iPhone. Preliminary analysis from security experts suggest Apple can comply with the FBI’s request to unlock the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone, without compromising the privacy of its millions of customers. So why is Apple resisting and fighting this battle in the court of public opinion?

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Can the FBI access the iPhone of a San Bernardino terrorist?

A court has ordered Apple to provide the FBI reasonable technical assistance in accessing the data on the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino terrorists. Apple is contesting the lawfulness of this order. There is also a technical dispute as to whether such assistance can be restricted to only this one phone.

Why is the FBI asking Apple to unlock the iPhone 5C?

Days after the San Bernardino shooting, the FBI found one of the shooter’s iPhone 5C, but it’s locked with a password and data is encrypted. Ten failed attempts at the password could lock the phone and erase the data. So the FBI has asked Apple to help.

What happened to the iPhone 5C used by San Bernardino terrorists?

They then carried out a terrorist attack at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, where they murdered 14 people and injured 22 others. In investigating this terrorist attack, the FBI obtained a warrant from a judge to search and seize an iPhone 5c used by Farook.