
Have 8 sons and they all have one sister how many children do I have?

Have 8 sons and they all have one sister how many children do I have?

The answer is Zero! The grandfather’s son has 7 brothers and 1 sister, but the father is no longer a child. Thus ZERO CHILDREN! 🙂 9- each of the 8 brothers share the same sister.

Do siblings hate each other?

While there may be cases of siblings spontaneously hating each other, there is usually something else going on. Almost all sibling rivalry is down to injustice – perceived or actual. It takes enormous work by the parents to make sure things are fair.

Do brothers fight more than sisters?

She does offer, however, that brothers will generally fight more than sisters, especially when they’re close in age, and that girls are more likely to talk it out as opposed to boys, who will become physical, though that disappears as they get older.

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Who is father of twice six sons?

Scroll down to find the answer: Answer – Nine. Two parents, six sons, one daughter!

What causes hatred between sisters?

Differing amounts of parental attention: Either you or your sister may feel that your parents favored one of you over the other, which can lead to rivalry and hatred between the two of you. Abuse: If your sister has abused you or deeply hurt you in some way it may cause you to feel hatred toward her.

How do you know if your sibling is jealous?

What Are the Signs of Jealous Family Members?

  1. They’re Never Impressed.
  2. They Try and “One Up” You.
  3. They Get Angry When You Give Them Advice.
  4. Seeing Them Makes You Feel Bad About Yourself.
  5. They Are Extra Critical.
  6. Keep Your Mouth Shut.
  7. Stop Feeling Guilty.
  8. Limit Interaction.

What causes sibling conflict?

The main causes of sibling rivalry are lack of social skills, concerns with fairness, individual temperaments, special needs, parenting style, parent’s conflict resolution skills and culture. In many families, the children count their siblings among their friends. It’s known as sibling rivalry, and it’s universal.

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