
How can we increase the magnetic flux?

How can we increase the magnetic flux?

There are three ways to change the magnetic flux through a loop:

  1. Change the magnetic field strength (increase, decrease) over the surface area.
  2. Change the area of the loop (increase by expanding the loop, decrease by shrinking the loop)

What are two ways you could increase the magnitude of the magnetic field produced by the loop?

This change may be produced in several ways; you can change the strength of the magnetic field, move the conductor in and out of the field, alter the distance between a magnet and the conductor, or change the area of a loop located in a stable magnetic field.

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How do you find the magnetic field without current?

No you can have a magnetic field without an electric field. Consider a rod with an equal number of positive and negative charges (such that they are equally spaced). Let the positive move to the left with speed v and the negative to the right with speed v. This will result in a magnetic field but no electric field.

Does increasing current increase magnetic field?

Yes, increasing current increases magnetic field strength. A moving charge produces a magnetic field around itself. This means a current of moving…

How can you make a magnetic field without a magnet?

Yes. electric currents produce magnetic fields and arranging the current-carrying wire in a coil enhances the field….Yes,it can be produced.

  1. A moving charge can produce magnetic field.
  2. An electric conductor carrying current can produce magnetic field.
  3. A coil,solenoid,toroid can also produce magnetic field.

How does the magnetic field depend on the current?

Whenever current travels through a conductor, a magnetic field is generated. The magnetic field is strongest in the area closest to the wire, and its direction depends upon the direction of the current that produces the field, as illustrated in this interactive animation. …

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How is magnetic flux proportional to current?

It states that current induced opposes the magnetic field. So, a change in flux induces a current and a voltage which is proportional to the rate of change of flux. This fits with Ohm’s Law (V = IR). A current and a voltage in a coil induce a flux which is proportional to the current and the voltage.

How can I increase the local magnetic flux?

You cannot increase the localmagnetic flux as it is conserved because of Maxwell’s equations : $\\vec{ abla}.\\vec{B} = 0$. However, you can use soft magnetic materials, often called magnetic coresto concentrate the flux in a certain area and locally increase the magnetic field.

How can I increase the magnetic flux in a solenoid?

However, you can use soft magnetic materials, often called magnetic coresto concentrate the flux in a certain area and locally increase the magnetic field. See thispicture that shows the effect of a magnetic core inserted inside of a solenoid : it tightens the field lines to create a greater magnetic field.

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What is the difference between magnetic flux and current?

Change in the number of field lines through a coil gives a current. Number of field lines through a coil is called magnetic flux. When a loop is moved parallel to a uniform magnetic field, there is no change in the number of field lines passing through the loop and no induced current.

How does a magnet interact with a moving charge?

Magnetic Field. Interaction of magnetic force and charge – The moving charge interacts with the fixed magnet. The force between them is at a maximum when the velocity of the charge is perpendicular to the magnetic field.