
How did Alexander the Great rule the territories he conquered?

How did Alexander the Great rule the territories he conquered?

Alexander attempted to create a unified ruling class in conquered territories like Persia, often using marriage ties to intermingle the conquered with conquerors. He also adopted elements of the Persian court culture, implementing his own version of their royal robes and imitating some court ceremonies.

How did Alexander unify his empire?

Educated by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, Alexander enlarged his empire by invading Asia Minor. He conquered Persia, Egypt, Central Asia, and western India. He planned to unite his vast empire by spreading Greek culture, by inspiring loyalty through religion, and by adopting some of the customs of conquered peoples.

Which empire controlled all of the territories?

All areas of the world that were ever part of the British Empire. Current British Overseas Territories have their names underlined in red. The British Empire was composed of the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom and its predecessor states.

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Why was Alexander the Great able to conquer so much territory?

Why Was Alexander the Great Successful? Alexander’s success lay in his military genius, knowing how to use his cavalry and troops precisely at key moments in battle. It seemed he was close to defeat several times but could use the situation to his advantage by luring his enemies into a deeper trap.

Why did Alexander the Great conquer so much territory?

While Alexander may have had his own reasons for expanding eastward, “his official reason for wanting to conquer the Achaemenid Persian Empire… was to lead the allied Greeks in a war of liberation: to free forever from Persian control the Greek cities along the Anatolian coast and on the island of Cyprus, and in so …

How did empires maintain control?

Most empires were controlled by male emperors, and rule was passed down through the male line. In fact, the title and symbols of imperial power were perceived as masculine. The title imperator in Rome, from which we get our word “emperor,” was originally a military term held by successful generals.

How did rulers consolidate their power?

Around the world, empires and states of varying sizes pursued strategies of centralization, including more efficient taxation systems that placed strains on peasant producers, sometimes prompting local rebellions. Rulers used public displays of art and architecture to legitimize state power.

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Why did Alexander the Great encourage his soldiers to settle in conquered territories?

Why did Alexander the Great encourage his soldiers to settle in conquered territories? He expected the territories to be attacked. He hoped that the people in the territories would leave. He wanted to spread Greek culture to the conquered territories.

Did Alexander the Great unify?

Alexander became king of Macedonia after his father’s murder. By that time, Macedonia already controlled most of Greece. A skilled general, Alexander conquered a vast empire. To unify this huge territory, he spread Greek ideas, used religion, and showed respect for the cultures of the people he conquered.

What did the British Empire control?

The British Empire is a term used to describe all the places around the world that were once ruled by Britain. Built over many years, it grew to include large areas of North America, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Africa, as well as small parts of Central and South America, too.

Which empire controlled the most land?

The Mongol Empire
The Mongol Empire existed during the 13th and 14th centuries and it is recognized as being the largest contiguous land empire in history.

How did the Mongols change the lives of the conquered people?

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They changed from sedentary farmers to pastoral nomads. Which of the following is an example of the Mongol rulers’ policy toward people in the conquered territories? Chinese and Muslim officials were allowed to hold advisory positions in government. Conquered people were forced to convert their land into pastureland for Mongol herds.

Which describes the transformation of the Turkic people from tenth to fourteenth?

Which of the following describes the transformation of the Turkic people from the tenth to the fourteenth centuries? They changed from military leaders of confederations to slave soldiers in the Mongol Empire. They changed from rulers of agrarian civilizations to creators of steppe empires.

What happened to the Mongols in Persia in the fourteenth century?

What happened to the Mongols in Persia in the fourteenth century? Rebel forces led by Persian generals drove the Mongols back to their homeland in the steppes. The Ottoman Empire defeated the Mongols and enslaved them. The Mongols assimilated into Persian society. The Mongols were made serfs of Persian lords.

What are the characteristics of the Qin dynasty?

A legendary Chinese dynasty that was not believed to exist until relatively recently. Walled towns ruled by area-specific kings assembled armies, built cities, and worked bronze. Created pictograms which would evolve in to the first Chinese script. An early Chinese dynasty. Not a unified Chinese state.