
How do I exclude a post in WordPress?

How do I exclude a post in WordPress?

If you want to exclude specific categories, tags, and other custom taxonomies from the WordPress search results, then you can do this by adding rules to your search algorithm. Simply go to Settings » SearchWP and then click the ‘Edit Rules’ button in the ‘Posts’ section.

How to exclude specific category in WordPress?


  1. In WordPress backend, go to menu Plugins -> Add New.
  2. Search Exclude Categories from Blog.
  3. Install the plugin.
  4. After the plugin is installed and activated, in WordPress backend, goto left menu Settings -> Exclude Categories, configure the categories to be excluded.

How to hide post from specific category in WordPress?

How to Hide Category in WordPress?

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Search for ‘Ultimate Category Excluder’, Install and Activate it.
  3. Go to Settings > Category Excluder.
  4. Checkmark the categories you want to hide.
  5. Click on Update.
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How do I hide the post menu in WordPress?

On the sidebar of the Customizer click on the Menus > tab. Click on Primary. Now just open the menu item you want to hide/remove-by clicking on it and click the red Remove link.

What is Post offset in WordPress?

The offset parameter stops the most recent post from displaying. It will go directly above your WordPress post loop, so it will look similar to the code snippet below. query_posts( ‘posts_per_page=6&offset=1’ );

How do I customize the results of my WordPress search page?

How to Customize Your WordPress Search Results Pages

  1. Include or Highlight the Search Term as a Reminder of the Original Search. Info & DownloadView The Demo.
  2. Add Suggested Spellings in Case of Typos. Info & DownloadView The Demo.
  3. Add Suggested Pages to Maintain Interest in Your Site.
  4. Add a Search Box.
  5. Ajax Your Search.

How do I show only one category in a WordPress post?

You can start by providing a title for your widget and then scroll down to the ‘Filter by category’ section. From here, you can select the categories you want to show posts from.

How do I remove categories from my blog?

Easy Steps to Exclude Category from Blog Page Then open Appearance >Editor tab on the left of the Dashboard to access your theme editor. Select the theme you’re using from the dropdown menu and locate functions. php file to exclude category from blog page.

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How do I hide posts from posts on WordPress?

WP Hide Post

  1. Go to Plugins -> Add New.
  2. Search for “WP Hide Post”
  3. Install and activate the plugin.
  4. Create a new post or edit an existing one.
  5. On the right-hand side, find the “Post Visibility” box created by the plugin.
  6. Check the option to hide that specific post.

How do I disable main menu in WordPress?

On the Customizer page proceed to Header menu, and choose Main Menu section. Here you need to find Enable Description option. In this block, you can enable and disable Main Menu description whenever there is a need. When everything is correct, click Save and Publish button.

What is Post offset?

offset means start showing post not from the first post: for example : [netsposts include_blog=’1′ days=’30’ taxonomy=’news’ list=’5′ offset=”5″] means the plugin will start showing from the 6 in the gategory news. so will ignore first 5 posts . Thanks.

How to exclude posts and pages from search in WordPress?

You can then apply your exclusion category to pages and set it in your Search module’s Exclude Categories section. Now, when someone searches your website, the posts and pages in the excluded category won’t appear, even if they include the search terms. 2. Tweak Your WordPress functions.php File

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How to remove categories from WordPress posts and pages?

All you have to do is set up a category and assign it to the posts you don’t want to show up in your search results. Then, select that category under the Exclude Categories section and save your changes. The only problem with this approach is, WordPress doesn’t enable you to organize pages using categories and tags as it does with posts.

How do I exclude categories from my pages?

To add this functionality to your website, you’ll need to use a plugin such as Category Tag Pages. After enabling this plugin, you’ll be able to create and assign categories and tags to pages. You can then apply your exclusion category to pages and set it in your Search module’s Exclude Categories section.

How to make WordPress posts not showing up in search results?

For more control over the posts you want WordPress to ignore, you’ll need to use the Exclude Categories setting: All you have to do is set up a category and assign it to the posts you don’t want to show up in your search results. Then, select that category under the Exclude Categories section and save your changes.