
How do I stop being dizzy when I play the flute?

How do I stop being dizzy when I play the flute?

How do I stop getting dizzy? If you get dizzy when you play, it’s because you’re breathing too much and getting too much air (oxygen), so it’s important to take a break for a moment or two until you recover. If you’re really dizzy, make sure you sit or lay down so that you don’t fall over!

What techniques are used to play the flute?


  • Bamboo tones.
  • Circular Breathing.
  • Flutter tongue.
  • Harmonics.
  • Jet whistle.
  • Keyclicks.
  • Microtones & quartertones.
  • Multiphonics.

Why do my cheeks hurt when I play flute?

You use the muscles in your face in order to play the flute and as you play you strengthen those muscles so they hurt and tense less often. You are trying too hard to form an embrochure.

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Why does playing flute make me light headed?

Flute uses a lot of air. More than tuba, even. And young players are usually less efficient with using their air, so they use even MORE air than necessary! This causes hyperventilation, which makes you dizzy and could even cause you to pass out.

Can you get lightheaded from playing the flute?

Lightheadedness may also occur if you have the flu, low blood sugar, a cold, or allergies. More serious conditions that can lead to lightheadedness include: Heart problems, such as a heart attack or abnormal heart beat. Stroke.

Is flute good for breathing?

Strengthens Core Muscles As a windpipe instrument, the flute is played through blowing air into a mouthpiece. Naturally, this gives your lungs and diaphragm a respiratory work out, making your core a lot stronger.

Can you pass out while playing flute?

What is an open hole flute and why do you need one?

It helps a young player learn the keys and notes on the flute with less difficulty. An open hole flute is for the more advanced player and it is argued that an open hole flute gives a better tone as there is more scope for the sound to come out of the flute.

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How does the size of a flute affect its sound?

More modern examples of these indigenous style flutes do not follow any strict length or width requirements. In general, the size of the flute determines the sound that comes out of it. A very small and narrow flute will have a high-pitched sound, while a longer, wider one will be deeper.

How do you display a flute on the wall?

If you want to display one or more flutes in an attractive manner, you need some sort of stand. While you can find ones that hang on the wall, the more common type is wooden stands that would sit on a table or shelf. These consist of basic structures with curved hooks that support either side of the flute.

What are the keys on a Native American flute?

Although there may not have been any conscious thought into the keys or particular sounds of the earliest Native American flutes, people who craft or play the instruments today figure it out so they can write down the music and share with others. Some of the more popular keys include A, G, and F sharp.