
How do INFPs show affection?

How do INFPs show affection?

INFPs show a strong preference for quality time as a love language, followed by words of affirmation and physical touch. Though they experience extremely strong emotions internally, INFPs prefer to show their love by spending time with those they care about and engaging in the activities that they enjoy alongside them.

How does an INFP feel loved?

INFPs do make love a priority when it finds them, and they don’t want to allow other things to come in the way. They also want the person they are in love with to feel the same way about them and their relationship. For the INFP having this type of bond and connection is something they should value and take seriously.

Can INFPs handle their feelings?

It is also incorrect to say that INFPs are overly emotional or cannot handle their feelings. INFPs do not bury their emotions inside and ignore them, and because of this they are more equipped to handle them than some types.

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What is the INFPs dominant function?

The INFPs dominant function is tied to their inner emotions, it is their Fi or introverted feeling function. This helps the INFP reach inward to understand themselves, and what they believe and value. This isn’t all about allowing emotions to dominate their behaviors, like some people might believe.

What is a healthy INFP?

This actually helps the INFP to behave more rationally about their feelings than people realize, since they are used to them and know what to expect. The healthy INFP is rarely blindsided by their own feelings, because they value them and actually pay attention to what they are experiencing.

Are INFPs the rarest personality types?

INFPs are truly some of the rarest, most intriguing, and lovely personality types. I feel they aren’t that complex like how people see them. You just have to look closer and with more compassion & acceptance for their real Self. Then you’ll may find yourself feeling their radiating care & empathy they have inside their hearts.