
How do you ask if someone is overweight?

How do you ask if someone is overweight?

Using Body Mass Index (BMI) The most common way to determine if a person has overweight or obesity is to calculate BMI, which is an estimate of body fat that compares a person’s weight to their height.

Is it offensive to ask a girl her weight?

Just like you should never ask a woman how old she is, you should certainly never ever ask her how much she weighs. Not only is it rude and intrusive, but most people would rather talk about literally anything else besides their weight or overall appearance.

How do you tell my girlfriend she’s overweight?

First of all, be supportive. When you say, “I noticed you’ve gained some weight,” she’s going to hear a lot of different messages folded into that, whether you say them or not. Stuff like “Your body is ruined forever,” or “I don’t love you anymore,” or “I’m furious at your lack of self-control.” This isn’t your fault.

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How do you tell someone they are getting fat without hurting their feelings?

How to Broach the Weight Loss Topic

  1. Bring up the topic artfully: “Remember that no two human beings are alike ,and that what we say is heard differently by different people,” says Dr. Hokemeyer.
  2. Lead with compassion. Dr.
  3. Use the person’s own words.
  4. Don’t push too hard.

How do you ask a girl body type?

“What is your body size?” would be better, and is still more natural than “What is your body figure?” Also, “What is your dress size?” is a common enough question among women (if they know each other well enough to ask about such things).

What is a woman’s BMI?

BMI ranges for women

BMI Weight classification
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5-24.9 Normal
25.0-29.9 Overweight
30.0 or higher Obese

How do you talk to a woman about her weight?

The Don’ts

  1. Do not use shame.
  2. Do not force the issue.
  3. Do not frame the discussion around weight and food.
  4. Do not offer “helpful” weight loss hints.
  5. Do not monitor their food or exercise.
  6. Do not judge.
  7. Do remember that your loved one may already feel ashamed.
  8. Do speak about health and feelings.
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How do you talk to a girl about her weight?

Talk in a comfortable, private setting Also, avoid bringing up the topic when she’s eating, which could make her feel self-conscious or negative about her eating habits. The more comfortable your daughter feels with you, the more likely she’ll be to open up and share thoughts and concerns about her weight.

How do you talk to someone who needs to lose weight?