
How do you come up with good comebacks?

How do you come up with good comebacks?

Listen closely and think of a way to make the other person look foolish. To make a good humorous comeback, you need to respond directly to what the other person said to you. A comeback that is off topic won’t be effective or funny. People won’t get it, and you’ll be the one who ends up looking silly.

How can I be smart and witty?

These are the steps to be witty:

  1. Practice being a quick thinker.
  2. Make unexpected associations.
  3. Take improv theatre classes.
  4. Watch sitcoms.
  5. Remark on the obvious.
  6. Use irony.
  7. Use puns.

What is a good comeback for me?

Funny and playful comebacks to “make me”

  • 01“I’m on my way now!”
  • 02“Don’t tempt me.”
  • 03“Make me.”
  • 04[Say nothing, smile]
  • 05[Punch him/her in the arm]
  • 06“Meet me outside then!”
  • 07“Did mom ever tell you that you were born on the highway?
  • 08“That sounds like your problem.”
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What to say to shut up?

Here are some funny and playful comebacks to shut up that will get them back good.

  • 01“Awww, are you having a bad day?”
  • 02“I will not be silenced!”
  • 03“Make me.”
  • 04“Your wish is my command.”
  • 05“Roses are red, violets are blue.
  • 06“If you don’t wanna hear me, cover your ears.”

What is the highest form of wit?

“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the highest form of intelligence,” wrote that connoisseur of wit, Oscar Wilde.

How do you know if you are quick witted?

A quick wit is easy to recognize and difficult to cultivate. The Cambridge Dictionary defines wit as “the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way.” Using words cleverly with humor, though, describes the bare minimum of what makes a person witty.

How do you respond when someone says go ahead?

Question: When you tell someone “go ahead”, what do you do? Reply: I give them permission to do something. Here “them” in the reply refers to “someone” in the question. It is needed because you are only giving permission to the person in the question.

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How do you respond to what are you gonna do about it?

  1. How do you respond to “what are you gonna do about it”?
  2. I laugh. This person’s a little slow, aren’t they?
  3. Then still with warmth and good humor, but a bit slow, distinct, I point out: “I already did it. I told you what you are.” Or: “I’ve told you what’s-what.” Or similar phrase, to reflect what I already did.

What do you reply to I don’t care?

”I don’t care!” ”I think you care.” If someone says they “don’t care,” they likely DO care. Not witty, but in practice it’s effective to just say “Fine.” And walk away.

How do you get someone to shut up?

Tell them to please be quiet, not rudely but sincerely. Say they are being disruptive or distracting and its hard to concentrate. If they are still being rude, just tell them to shut up.

Do you stand up for yourself or defend?

You’re insisting on the singular “correctness” of your viewpoint without the slightest acknowledgment that, for them, their viewpoint may feel equally true. At times, standing up for yourself can be virtually synonymous with defensiveness.

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How do you stand up to bullying?

Standing up to bullying wherever you see it. Most decent people will help the helpless, defend the vulnerable and assist those who need it. Toxic people prey on anybody they consider to be weak.

Why is it so hard to stand up for yourself?

But let’s face it – if it were easy to stand up for ourselves, everyone would. The reasons so many people allow others to step on their dignity and treat them with a lack of respect, care or kindness are as complex as human nature itself. But at the core it it lies our fear of what might happen if we do stand up for ourselves.

What happens when your partner doesn’t stand up for You?

“When your partner doesn’t stand up for you, there’s a chipping away at the foundation of trust in the relationship,” says April Masini, a New York relationship expert.