
How do you qualify for Y Combinator?

How do you qualify for Y Combinator?

You must have at least 10\% equity in the startup to be considered a founder by Y Combinator. Only founders can come to interviews if invited or attend batch events if accepted. We will be inviting teams to talk to us on a rolling basis. November 19 is the latest day you’ll know by if you applied by the deadline.

Do you get paid at Y Combinator?

During the Y Combinator program, they use a one-off seed investment from Y Combinator of US$120,000 to pay living and business expenses15. If they go on to receive angel investment, they can pay themselves about $50,000 per year.

How do you write YC application?

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Advice on YC Application in General

  1. Don’t pitch and write like to a friend.
  2. Put the most important in the first sentence.
  3. Provide data and facts.
  4. Be concise but write a lot.
  5. Make them believe in you.
  6. Be awesome.
  7. Be relentlessly resourceful.
  8. Never give up.

How long does it take to hear back from YC?

After submitting an application, most founders will hear back in 2–3 weeks and all on the same day as to whether or not they’ve landed an interview with YC. YC posts information about when they will announce interviews on their website, so it is not a surprise.

Can you apply to Y Combinator with just an idea?

Q: Can you apply to YC with just an idea? Yes. We accept companies at a wide range of stages into the batch. Cruise, for example, had been working on their idea for just two weeks when they applied to YC.

What percentage does YC take?

Y Combinator – The Basics. As mentioned, YC takes 7\% of any startup wanting to join, and in exchange, the firm invests $125,000.

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How does YC funding work?

Y Combinator runs two three-month funding cycles a year, one from January through March and one from June through August. We ask the founders of each startup we fund to move to the Bay Area for the duration of their cycle, during which we work intensively with them to get the company into the best shape possible.

How do I apply for Y Combinator?

To apply for the Y Combinator program, submit an application form. We accept companies twice a year in two batches. The program includes dinners every Tuesday, office hours with YC partners and access to the network of other YC founders. The program culminates in Demo Day, where startups pitch to a carefully selected audience of investors.

Where can I invest in Y Combinator startups?

, Invested in ~60 YC startups indirectly as small LP. Go to www.fundersclub.com and www.wefunder.com. At each site, you can invest in a basket (not an index) of Y Combinator startups from a particular batch, such as Winter 2015.

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Is Y Combinator accepting applications for the 2021 funding cycle?

Y Combinator is accepting applications from startups for the Summer 2021 funding cycle. It will take place from June–August 2021 . Due to the COVID-19 situation the Summer 2021 batch will be remote.

Is it okay to apply multiple times for YC?

Yes. In a typical YC batch, about the half companies applied multiple times before being accepted. If you’ve applied before and not gotten in, we strongly encourage you to apply again. Having made progress since your last application is a strong signal to us.