
How do you tell apart Fred and George?

How do you tell apart Fred and George?

Fred has a more round face, his features not as defined as George’s. On George’s face, you can clearly see his cheekbones and in a way, George’s face is ‘skinnier’ looking. Fred’s facial features are less defined than George’s. Second, the way their hair is styled.

What twin was on Hermione in Order of the Phoenix?

In the summer of 1994, George attended the Quidditch World Cup with his family as well as Harry and Hermione Granger. They gambled on the outcome, and won a great deal of money because of it. However, Ludo Bagman defaulted on the bet.

What spell cut off George’s ear?

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Sectumsempra curse
George after losing an ear due to Snape’s misfired Sectumsempra curse The next year, during the Battle of the Seven Potters, Snape attempted to use the curse to sever the hand of a fellow Death Eater, but due to a slip, he accidentally cut off George Weasley’s left ear instead, leaving him guilt-ridden.

Did Fred and George really bet all of their money?

In true Fred-and-George fashion, they went for the unlikely outcome that both would happen, and bet all their money on it. A kind of joke at their expense that they would do something so foolish, with the punchline being when they actually win. – John Gowers

What was the bet that Fred and George made in Goblet of fire?

In The Goblet of Fire, Fred and George bet that Ireland would win but Viktor Krum would get the Snitch: ‘We’ll bet thirty-seven Galleons, fifteen Sickles, three Knuts,’ said Fred, as he and George quickly pooled all their money, ‘that Ireland win – but Viktor Krum gets the Snitch. Oh, and we’ll throw in a fake wand.’

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Are Fred and George the most Ravenclaw characters in the series?

Yes, you read that right. Fred and George are perhaps the most Ravenclaw characters in the entire series, and this is why: Relevant passages from the Ravenclaw welcome message (out of order for convenience, emphasis mine):

Were Fred and George Weasley ever close to being Hatstalls?

There is no mention of Fred and George or any Weasley family members coming close to being Hatstalls. They were brave enough to mock Voldemort during Half Blood Prince they have this sign outside their shop in Diagon Alley: WHY ARE YOU WORRYING ABOUT YOUKNOWWHO?