
How does the soul leave one body and enter another?

How does the soul leave one body and enter another?

The soul leaves one body and enters another in no time. As it is leaving one body, it is also simultaneously present in another womb. This occurrence is in concurrence with the moment of the union of the sperm and the egg.

What happens to your soul after you die?

When the time comes for the soul to depart from one body, the circumstances and the event at the other end is also taking place the reception of the soul. Therefore after the body’s death the soul goes directly into another embryo. So there is no need to worry about what happens after you die.

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What really happens during an out-of-body experience?

What Really Happens During an Out-of-Body Experience? An out-of-body experience (OBE), which some might also describe as a dissociative episode, is a sensation of your consciousness leaving your body. These episodes are often reported by people who’ve had a near-death experience.

Can consciousness really leave your body?

Whether your consciousness can truly leave your physical body hasn’t been scientifically proven. But for centuries, many people have reported similar sensations of their consciousness leaving their body. OBEs appear to be more common with some conditions, including certain dissociative disorders and epilepsy.

What happens to our souls in the transition of death?

When in the transition of death, we are leaving our physical bodies behind, but our Spirit, that which is the essence and the pure being of who we are, is eternal. After we leave our physical body, our Spirits and our journey continues. This journey is the evolution and development of our soul.

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How does the journey of the soul happen?

In a nutshell, this is how the journey of Soul happens: A living being in a total dormant stage where there is no knowledge or vision at all, then, A living being developing from one-sensed to five-sensed being and then finally evolving into a human form, and then… A Self-Realized living being

What is the path each soul takes?

The path each soul takes will be unique. There is no set course that has to be followed. Each of us is born with a unique set of traits that marks us out as being better suited for some tasks more than others. Some will be teachers, oracles and seers.