
How far can a bullet travel before it falls to the ground?

How far can a bullet travel before it falls to the ground?

Typically a 9 mm bullet shot out of a medium sized handgun will travel 2200 meters before it will fall to the ground. A bullet almost never travels this far before it actually hits something.

How high can a 50 cal shoot?

The typical range for a sniper attack is 300 to 600 meters with medium-caliber rifles. Shots from 800 to 1,000 meters are the exception. However, heavy sniper rifles (. 50-caliber, 12.7-mm, 14.5-mm, and 15-mm) with ranges of 1,200 to 1,500 meters are now proliferating around the world.

Can a falling bullet penetrate a roof?

Property damage Bullets often lodge in roofs, causing minor damage that requires repair in most cases. Normally, the bullet will penetrate the roof surface through to the roof deck, leaving a hole where water may run into the building and cause a leak.

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Will a bullet fired horizontally take longer to fall to the ground than a bullet simply dropped from the same height?

There you have it. The y-component of air resistance for the fired bullet still depends on the fired speed of the bullet (since it is proportional to v2). A fired bullet (with air resistance) does not hit the ground at the same time as a dropped bullet.

How high will a 9mm bullet go?

Here is what Adam said about the bullets: A . 30-06 cartridge will go 10,000 feet high and take 58 seconds to come back down. A 9 mm will go 4000 feet and take 37 seconds to come back down.

How fast is a 9mm bullet in mph?

If we look at the 115 grain 9mm bullet loaded to the maximum safe velocity of 1250 feet per second, that translates to 852 miles per hour. When we look at the 124 or 125 grain bullet, the highest recommended velocity to load the round to is 1150 feet per second or 784 miles per hour.

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Will a 50 cal penetrate a tank?

No. A . 50 caliber sniper rifle round, regardless of type, is not capable of defeating the armor on the Abrams tank. It would also fail to penetrate the armor on any other modern MBT.

How high will a bullet travel in the air?

10,000 feet
A bullet fired straight up, with no wind, might reach a height of 10,000 feet (about three kilometers), but will come back down at only around 150 miles per hour: just 10\% of the speed and with only 1\% of the energy as the originally fired bullet.

Can a bullet reach space?

Nope. To escape Earth you need a velocity greater than 11km per second. Bullets travel at 1km/second and only when shot with special equipment.

Can a bullet go off by dropping?

A bullet isn’t likely to go off when you drop the cartridge for various reasons, including how it lands. When this happens, the bullet will land in a way that prevents the impact from being sufficiently forceful to cause the bullet to fire. Significant impact to the primer would be needed to cause it to discharge.

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Does gravity affect a bullet?

In small arms external ballistics applications, gravity imparts a downward acceleration on the projectile, causing it to drop from the line of sight. Drag, or the air resistance, decelerates the projectile with a force proportional to the square of the velocity. Wind makes the projectile deviate from its trajectory.