
How old does a kitten have to be for Frontline Plus?

How old does a kitten have to be for Frontline Plus?

8 weeks
The good news is that Frontline Plus can be used safely on kittens and puppies from 8 weeks of age. To provide flea control for pets that are younger than 8 weeks, a sister product to Frontline Plus is recommended.

Is Frontline Plus safe for kittens?

Both FRONTLINE® Spot On and FRONTLINE Plus® are suitable flea treatments for kittens aged 8 weeks and over, as long as they weigh at least 1 kg.

When can you first treat a kitten for fleas?

Start a Topical Treatment When Your Kitten Is Old Enough Once kittens are 8-10 weeks and over 1.5-2 pounds, they can safely receive appropriate topical flea treatments. These products not only kill fleas on your kitten but can prevent new fleas from hitching a ride on your pet.

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What flea treatment is safe for kittens under 8 weeks?

Available without a prescription, Capstar is the only flea control product safe for kittens as young as 4 weeks and weighing at least 2 pounds. With other flea control products, whether topical or oral, kittens must be at least 8 weeks old, and sometimes older.

What’s the difference between Frontline and Frontline Plus for cats?

Frontline Original will protect your cat against Adult fleas only, it will help to prevent Flea allergy dermatitis, and protect against biting lice. Whereas Frontline Plus contains an extra ingredient: Methoprene that kills all stages of the flea lifecycle.

Can Frontline for cats be used on kittens?

It is a safe cat tick and cat flea treatment for adult cats and kittens 8 weeks or older. You can use this flea and tick control for cats that are breeding, pregnant or lactating.

Can I put Frontline on my 6 week old kitten?

It is common for adult cats to pass fleas on to their babies. However, veterinarians advise that kittens under the age of eight weeks not be treated with flea medication. The fleas can cause anemia in kittens, and they will cause the small kittens to scratch constantly, which can be very annoying and uncomfortable.

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What can you put on 6 week old kittens for fleas?

Treat Fleas With A Dish Soap Bath

  • Use comfortably warm water and a fragrance free dish liquid or a natural baby shampoo.
  • Try to complete the entire bath in less than 2 minutes, as kittens can become panicked or chilled during this process.
  • Wash from the neck down, avoiding the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

Where should my 8 week old kitten sleep at night?

Your kitten should sleep in a warm, soft, and quiet place at night. This could mean a cozy cat bed with high sides, a laundry basket with some of your favorite worn shirts, or a fluffy blanket she can curl up in. Your kitten can sleep with you at night, but don’t expect her to share the bed well.

How old do kittens have to be to use frontline?

This Frontline formula can be used on kittens who are 8 weeks old or older. According to Frontline research studies conducted in 2011, Frontline Plus is effective as both a flea and tick killer and a preventative.

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Is Frontline Plus safe to use on young animals?

The strong chemical ingredients in Frontline Plus are dangerous for fleas but are they safe to use on young animals? The good news is that Frontline Plus can be used safely on kittens and puppies from 8 weeks of age. To provide flea control for pets that are younger than 8 weeks, a sister product to Frontline Plus is recommended.

How effective is frontline for fleas on kittens?

According to Frontline research data, Frontline Plus is an effective method of flea and tick control in kittens, killing 100 percent of fleas within 12 hours of application. Prior to using Frontline products on kittens, be sure to learn the safety guidelines for applying that product to your kitten.

How many applicators do I need for Frontline Plus for cats?

Only one applicator per treatment is needed. FRONTLINE PLUS FOR CATS can also be used for the treatment and control of flea, tick and chewing lice infestations on breeding, pregnant and lactating queens. When used monthly, FRONTLINE® PLUS FOR CATS completely breaks the flea life cycle and controls tick and chewing lice infestations.