
Is Batman smarter than Rick?

Is Batman smarter than Rick?

Here’s who I think would win in a smart-off contest: Rick Sanchez may be more intelligent, but Batman is smarter. If you look at the inventory of each character, Rick pretty much has Batman beat. Batman doesn’t have a portal gun nor does he have the ability to resurrect himself from the dead using advanced technology.

Can Morty beat Rick?

The showrunners do seem to be taking their time with how his story will unfold but Evil Morty is very much capable of defeating Rick on his own. This elevated Evil Morty into a position of power higher than that of the Council of Ricks.

How many IQ is Rick?

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He is over 300. “And considering his advancements in Science Fiction technology. His IQ would be well over 500. “Rick is the smartest man on earth.

Who wins Goku or Rick?

Rick is supremely intelligent, and his nihilism makes him very practically minded and a horrifying opponent. However, Goku’s boundless and unflagging positivity is his greatest strength.

Who would win in a fight Rick or Thanos?

Rick Sanchez is smarter than Thanos is every conceivable way. He can access the multiverse in ways even Thanos couldn’t dream of. It isn’t even a fight for Rick, he’d literally get drunk/high and get bored by anything Thanos throws.

Who is Rick and Morty’s Rick Sanchez?

Rick Sanchez, for lack of a better word, is a god in his own little fictional multiverse called Rick and Morty. He pretty much gets to do whatever he wants and that usually involves crazy cynical bastardizations of existing fiction tropes.

Who can defeat Rick Richards in a fight?

There is another Richards capable of defeating Rick and that would be Franklin, Reed’s son. Franklin was born a mutant with some weird and godly wildcard powers that allow him to make and bend reality at will. Plus he gets to do this as a child.

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Would Rick be able to beat Sentry?

As it stands, Rick doesn’t have a chance against a being this powerful. Sentry’s super-strength, speed, molecular manipulation, psionic abilities, and even reality-shaping (to a certain extent) means he can easily counter anything Rick throws at him, not that he needs to as he’s also immortal.

Could Rick Rick’s inventions beat Iron Man?

Rick’s inventions simply trump whichever Iron Man can make. Even his standard portal gun would be able to eliminate Iron Man and send him somewhere he wouldn’t be able to easily escape or probably die trying to.