
Is Blind faith good or bad?

Is Blind faith good or bad?

Blind faith is good as it gives hope to people in difficult time. Like in lesson even after everything destructed Lencho had faith and that kept him going. Blind faith in god is also bad as if a person in blind faith sits idle with hope of help from God won’t be able to make out anything.

Was Lencho right in believing in God blindly?

Yes , Lencho’s faith in God was blind Faith .

Why did the postmaster help Lencho?

The postmaster was mesmerised to see Lencho’s faith in God and he didn’t want his faith to be shaken. He asked his employees and friends to help Lencho. He was so determined to help Lencho that he himself contributed a part of his salary for this act of charity.

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Why did Lencho call the post office employees a bunch of crooks?

Lencho called the post office employees “a bunch of crooks” because he thought that they have taken half of the money which God had send to him. Lencho became sad when he didn’t receive the total amount of money in the envelope. He hoped that God will be there to help him.

What is faith vs blind faith?

Faith is something you have hope or belief based on your own experience and from the experience of others. Also by logical thinking. Blind faith is much stronger, that you hope or believed whatever is happening or will happen even in contrary to your reasoning.

Is Blind Faith a good thing?

Blind faith is a modern concept, not Biblically based, and IMHO not a good thing. The Bible does not advocate blind faith. In fact, almost all references to blindness talk about the lack of faith. In Matthew 23, Jesus repeatedly calls the Pharisees blind, for their lack of wisdom, faith and understanding.

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Does God expect us to have blind faith?

Blind faith is trusting in something without any evidence. It has been described as a leap in the dark, a giving over of oneself to something despite a solid foundation. God does not expect us to have this type of faith . God has revealed Himself to us.

What does blind faith mean?

A dictionary definition of blind faith is: “belief without true understanding, perception, or discrimination.” This is quite unlike the Bible word for faith, which by its very definition, “refers to a logical, robust, unwavering confidence in the truth” (see Hebrews 1:1).

Is Christianity a religion of Blind Faith?

Christian Faith Is Not Blind Belief Among the numerous attacks on Christianity by Atheists is the false accusation that the Christian faith is blind that is to say, faith is belief without evidence.