
Is C++ underrated?

Is C++ underrated?

C++ Is Very Promising in 2021 Today, C++ is one of the most popular programming languages and one that has a wide range of applications. Python, Java, and web development are all exciting career pathways, but C++ developers are often underrated and wrongly thought to be extinct.

Why is Cobol so hated?

People dislike COBOL because it has limited application. It was designed for business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments.

Is C# still used?

C# is still being used. It is very widely used, and Microsoft is still aggressively updating the language. It’s used for everything from Windows application development, to web development, and game design. C# is used to write games for the Xbox.

What programming language is 2021?

Python is the top programming language in TIOBE and PYPL Index. C and Java closely follow Top-ranked Python in TIOBE….PYPL Index (US)

Dec 2021 Programming language Share
2 Java 14.98 \%
3 JavaScript 7.85 \%
4 R 6.95 \%
5 C/C++ 6.16 \%
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What are some of the most underrated programming languages?

As a multi-paradigm language (incorporating functional, imperative and OOP methods), F# may be the most underrated language out there today for one main reason: concise syntax and all that this promises developers.

Why C++ is not popular among programmers?

One of the reasons is it does not have major backers such as big tech companies. Also, most programmers are accustomed to C++. It is a herculean task to dislodge a well-established programming language such as C++. 2. Lua Programming

What is the best alternative to D language?

1 D Language. D-lang is a high-level programming language that can be an ideal alternative 2 Lua Programming. Lua is another powerful programming language that is not highly appreciated as 3 Ruby. Ruby is a general-purpose, dynamic programming language that is mainly used

Which programming languages do you not care about?

There are some programming languages that nobody seems to care about. Despite being powerful and efficient, they don’t seem get enough attention that they deserve. Everyone is focusing on popular languages such as C++, Python, Java and many other popular programming languages.