
Is Deinosuchus stronger than T Rex?

Is Deinosuchus stronger than T Rex?

Deinosuchus has a bite force up to 10tons and scientist have estimated that deino could bite harder than a rex. Not only that they can do a deathroll and destroy apex predators with its massive jaws and bite.

Can a Deinosuchus kill a Trex?

@Dinoanime7 Deinosuchus could easily kill a Rex if it had the chance. It could use its tail to trip it over and Possibly break a few bones. It could hunt in a group. It could bite a chunk off the Rex leg and let it bleed to death and then drag its body into the water and eat it.

How strong is a Deinosuchus bite force?

That superlative goes to Deinosuchus, an ancient crocodile which was estimated to have a bite force of 23,000 pounds.

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Is Deinosuchus a crocodile or alligator?

Deinosuchus are crocodylians — the group that includes modern alligators, crocodiles and gharials — and despite the name “terrible crocodile,” the Deinosuchus lineage was more closely related to alligators, the researchers determined. They also found that the species D. rugosus was likely misidentified.

Did Deinosuchus eat dinosaurs?

Deinosuchus was probably capable of killing and eating large dinosaurs. It may have also fed upon sea turtles, fish, and other aquatic and terrestrial prey.

Which is bigger Sarcosuchus vs deinosuchus?

Deinosuchus was heavier and longer, outsizing Sarcosuchus in every way, if this chart is correct. Purussaurus Brasiliensis out grew both. Deinosuchus was heavier and longer, outsizing Sarcosuchus in every way, if this chart is correct.

Is Spinosaurus stronger than Sarcosuchus on land?

There is no contest on land, Sarcosuchus will get a big rip. Spinosaurus was better designed at moving on land, that followed with a massive size advantage gives Spinosaurus a comfortable 90\% mismatch. In water, all depends on how strong Sarcosuchus’ jaws were.

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Can Spinosaurus beat a Tyrannosaurus rex?

Yes, Spinosaurus is not as powerful as Jurassic Park 3 states, but it can still kill a Tyrannosaurus. It also had to fight Carcharodontosaurus. I say Spinosaurus wins 90\% on land and 80\% in water, deep or shallow. Spinosaurus is 60 feet.

What is the difference between a Deinosuchus and a Spinosaurus?

Deinosuchus might have the bite and the armor, but Spinosaurus has something it doesn’t, endurance. Crocodilians are ectothermic, meaning that they rely upon the environment to change their body temperature. This means crocodilians tire quickly after using expulsive amounts of energy and it takes a while to gain it back.

What is the difference between a Purussaurus and a Sarcosuchus?

On land purussaurus in water sarcosuchus.Sarcosuchus is more agile and has a better bite force than both of them but purrusaurus was much more robust. Even though sarcosuchus couldnt death roll it had a powerful bite that could dismember large prey.