
Is Fred or George more outgoing?

Is Fred or George more outgoing?

This could be down to the fact that Fred was the slightly more outgoing of the two brothers and, in a sense, did more, while George waited for Fred to make the first move. ‘ But she did think people would have expected George to be the one who died, and that killing off the slightly more vocal character was a surprise.

When did George and Angelina get married?

In 1998, two years after she had left school, she returned and fought in the Battle of Hogwarts against the Dark Wizard Lord Voldemort and his followers. Sometime after the end of the Second Wizarding War, she married George Weasley, and the couple had two children, Fred II and Roxanne Weasley.

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Did George Weasley get married?

Sometime after the end of the Second Wizarding war, George married Angelina Johnson, with whom he had a son named Fred, in honour of his late twin, and a daughter named Roxanne. He and his brother Ron also turned Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes into a huge money spinner.

Would Harry and Hermione have made a good couple?

Even though Harry and Hermione get along really well and are great friends, they probably wouldn’t work as a couple because Harry is too hot-headed. Hermione would forever be reprimanding him for his outbursts. Ron is hot-headed too, but in a less stubborn way than Harry, making it easier for Hermione to get through to him.

Can you imagine Ron with Hermione in Harry Potter?

It is hard to imagine paring Ron with Hermione in Harry Potter. Still, here are some other romantic options for him. Almost twenty years after the first Harry Potter movie came out, and over twenty years after the first book hit shelves, it’s hard to imagine Ron Weasley with anyone other than Hermione Granger.

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How would you describe Hermione as a prefect?

Гермиона просто зашла передать Фреду и Джорджу приглашение на воскресный обед, а оказалась зажатой в жарких двойных объятиях. Hermione takes rules and being a prefect very seriously. As Fred and George test their Skiving Snacks on first-years she calls them out for it and tries to stop the action.

Can Hermione save the Wizarding World?

For ten years Hermione travelled the world as a healer trying to forget the war and the blow out with Harry and Ron. Now she’s back trying to save the wizarding world once again… their magic is dying and drastic measures have to be taken. Domestic fluff ensues.