
Is God an uncaused cause?

Is God an uncaused cause?

Since those laws govern time and space, time and space itself must have a cause that brought it into existence. Therefore, the cause of time and space, by necessity, must exist outside of time and space in order to be able to cause time and space into existence. That cause is God, who is the only uncaused cause.

What is the cosmological argument for the existence of God?

A cosmological argument, in natural theology, is an argument which claims that the existence of God can be inferred from facts concerning causation, explanation, change, motion, contingency, dependency, or finitude with respect to the universe or some totality of objects.

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What is the meaning of contingent thing?

A contingent being (a being such that if it exists, it could have not-existed) exists. All contingent beings have a sufficient cause of or fully adequate explanation for their existence.

What is the uncaused cause?

1. 1. That which happens spontaneously, unintended and uninitiated. adjective. (philosophy) Since all things must come from something that causes them the uncaused cause is that one thing that began the chain of existance, often identified as God.

What is Aquinas’s first cause argument?

Aquinas argued that our world works in the same way. Someone or something must have caused the world to exist. The cause is God, the effect is the world. He argued that this first cause is God. God is eternal (has no beginning, was never started) and God caused the world and everything else to exist.

What is an uncaused cause?

: having no antecedent cause.

How does the cosmological argument prove the existence of God essay?

The Cosmological Argument attempts to prove that God exists by showing that there cannot be an infinite number of regressions of causes to things that exist. It states that there must be a final uncaused-cause of all things. This uncaused-cause is asserted to be God. Also, by definition, God is uncaused.

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What is the contingent effect?

The effects, both desirable and undesirable, that are in addition to the primary effects associated with a nuclear detonation. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.

What does it mean to be uncaused?

Definition of uncaused : having no antecedent cause.