
Is it correct to say it seems like?

Is it correct to say it seems like?

I find this quite slangy. In my world, “seems like” is only used to reflect a similarity to something (using “like” to mean “alike”). If you were shopping for a new computer, you might say “This one seems like the one I looked at yesterday but it’s a lot cheaper.” This isn’t technically incorrect but isn’t idiomatic.

When to Use It seems like?

In general, “looks like” is based on visual appearance alone, and “seems like” is based on everything the speaker knows about the subject. The more you know about the subject, the more difference there is between the two phrases.

What seems or that seems?

They are different conjugations of the base verb, “to seem”, in the Present Tense. Seems is used for Third Person Singular (he/she/it/John Doe/Jane Doe) in the Present Tense. Seem is used for everything else in the Present Tense.

What does it seems like mean?

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seem like (something) To appear to be or give the impression of being a particular kind of person or thing. A: “Have you met Tom’s new boyfriend?” B: “Yeah, he seems like a nice guy.” Though it seemed like a good idea at the time, the direction we pursued with the company nearly bankrupted us.

What to say instead of it seems?

What is another word for it seems that?

at first glance apparently
it appears it seems
on the surface outwardly
superficially to all appearances
it appears that it would appear

How it looks or what it looks like?

Summary: It’s correct to use the question word what with the preposition like, but incorrect to use the question word how with the preposition like. So what it looks like is correct, but *how it looks like is incorrect. In grammatical terms, we need to use the noun what after the preposition like, not the adverb how.

What is the difference between Seem and like?

Using the sentence with the word like would indicate that you are even less sure if they have not completed the task. It gives an impression that is similar to that they have not completed the task. Seem is a very odd verb, and participates in a number of odd constructions.

How do you use it seems in a sentence?

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Seems sentence example

  1. He always seems to have a plan.
  2. It seems more like days than hours.
  3. It seems you may be romantically involved with this man.
  4. He seems weak, and his eyes are dull.
  5. Yes.
  6. This seems motivation enough, Jule said.

What is the meaning of it seems to me?

“(it) seems to me” I think that; I believe that.

What is a different word for it?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for it, like: the subject, that, this, that which, the object, such a thing, this thing, information technology, something, the-thing and as-it-is.

What is it like or how is it like?

Senior Member. The only way “How is it like” would be correct is if it were followed by something else. For instance, “How is it like Florida?”

What does its not what it seems mean?

The phrase can indicate that people’s intentions are not always clear – a person may have an ulterior motive. Things that appear permanent may prove to be temporary. The phrase can cover all situations, but is often used when the performance of someone or something has been disappointing.

What is the difference between ‘it looks like’ and ‘it seems like’?

“It looks like” is usually used to imply something we are almost certain about. There is a saying: “If it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, chances are… it’s a duck.”. When we say “it seems like”, we are focusing on the impression given by the subject.

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What is the difference between seem and seem as a fact?

One is a more definitive statement than the other. One is posing the situation as a fact. The other is a possibility. It seems that Bill is falling in love in with Samantha = the speaker is saying this is a fact. Even though the word ‘seem’ is used, it seems that is rather idiomatic and it means it’s a fact.

How do you use seem like in a sentence?

“Seem like” works on first and second person’s view. for example, “I seem like i am stupid.”You seem like you’re stupid.” “Seems like” is third person’s view. like “He seems like he is stupid.” Ex. This man seems like he is lost. Those guys there seem like they know their way.

How do you use the word like in a sentence?

Using the sentence with the word like would indicate that you are even less sure if they have not completed the task. It gives an impression that is similar to that they have not completed the task. Seem is a very odd verb, and participates in a number of odd constructions.