
Is it important to join clubs in Vit?

Is it important to join clubs in Vit?

VIT is enhanced with many such clubs. These clubs help students cultivate leadership and team-building skills. These clubs are responsible for the never-ending stream of liveliness and events that happen in our college.

How do I join a chapter and club in Vit?

In order to participate in the recruitment process of any club all you have to do is fill up the recruitment form provided on the Instagram handle of the club and further instructions related to the process will be communicated to you by the club through WhatsApp or mail.

How many students study in VIT Vellore?

Over 25,000 students are enrolled in 53 undergraduate and graduate programs with nearly 16,000 residing on the campus. It attracts students and professors from different parts of the world. It houses more than 1000 international students on campus.

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Why dance club at vitcc?

We regularly conduct events for students, faculty members as well as staff members. Dance Club depicts the name of not only one of the most happening clubs of VITCC, but also portrays the picture of a family brought together by their common passion towards dancing.

What arecommittee members asked to do during a meeting?

Committee members are asked to: Study the meeting agenda carefully before coming to the committee meeting and ask for clarification if any items are unclear. Review the supporting material. Stick to the agenda during the meeting.

What are the qualities of a good committee member?

Report back to the constituent group the information discussed and actions taken in the committee. Listen respectfully to all participants during committee meetings and actively engage in meeting topics. Understanding of and commitment to Foothill College’s mission and values. An openness to hear a variety of opinions and perspectives.

What are the guidelines for committee chairs to run effective meetings?

The following guidelines should assist Committee Chairs with running productive meetings: Always start the meeting on time and work with a definite agenda that has been sent to committee members in advance. Committee members should receive all the information relating to an issue, both pro and con.