
Is it possible for a linear system to have exactly 3 solutions?

Is it possible for a linear system to have exactly 3 solutions?

It is possible for a linear system of equations to have exactly three solutions.

How is energy conserved in an electric circuit?

Energy is conserved in a circuit. This means that, for a charged particle moving around the circuit, the work done on the particle is equal to the change in electrical potential energy of the particle.

How does voltage create current?

Voltage generates the flow of electrons (electric current) through a circuit. The specific name for the source of energy that creates the voltage to make current flow is electromotive force. This relationship between voltage and current is given by Ohm’s law. The voltage exists whether the charge is present or not.

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Why is it not possible for a linear system of equations to have exactly two solutions?

If two lines are coincident (i.e. the same line), then they intersect at all points along the line – that is, infinitely many points and hence infinitely many solutions. If two lines are parallel (and non-coincident) then they do not intersect and there is no solution.

Can a linear system have exactly two solutions?

Most linear systems you will encounter will have exactly one solution. However, it is possible that there are no solutions, or infinitely many. (It is not possible that there are exactly two solutions.) The word unique in this context means there is a solution, and it’s the only one.

How can energy be transformed within a circuit?

When it is connected to a complete circuit, electrons move and energy is transferred from the battery to the components of the circuit. Most energy is transferred to the light globe (or other energy user) where it is transformed to heat and light or some other form of energy (such as sound in iPods).

How electrical energy can be transferred and transformed?

Energy transfer takes place when energy moves from one place to another. When energy in a battery is used to power an electronic device, chemical energy is transformed into electrical energy, which moves along wires. Three more ways energy can be transferred are through light, sound, and heat.

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Can electricity flow without a circuit?

Can electricity flow without a circuit? – Quora. No, there must be a complete circuit for electricity to flow. Even arcs, such as lightning, still need a circuit. It is just the air acts like a conductor just like a wire does in most circuits people are used to seeing.

Can a circuit work without a resistor?

a) If there is no resistor in the circuit ( as in , if you completely remove the resistor) , then there will be no current flowing in the circuit. However, there will be a voltage at the 2 terminal points where the removed resistor used to be.

Can current flow without a voltage source?

Voltage is the Cause, Current is the Effect Voltage attempts to make a current flow, and current will flow if the circuit is complete. It is possible to have voltage without current, but current cannot flow without voltage.

Do we generate current or voltage?

We produce electricity. Voltage and Current are two characteristics of electricity.

How do you simplify linear equations from circuits?

The basic premise is that if you can generate a system of linear equations from a circuit, you can simplify it just like you would with and system of equations: by putting it in a matrix and row reducing!!! Take the following circuit as an example:

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How to solve system of linear equations with 3 variables?

Else, the single equation has an infinite number of solutions. To solve Linear Equations having 3 variables, we need a set of 3 equations as given below to find the values of unknowns. Matrix method is one of the popular methods to solve system of linear equations with 3 variables.

What is the condition for a linear equation to have a solution?

The condition to get the unique solution for the given linear equations is, the slope of the line formed by the two equations, respectively, should not be equal. Consider, m 1 and m 2 are two slopes of equations of two lines in two variables. So, if the equations have a unique solution, then: m 1 ≠ m 2 . No Solution

What happens if two linear equations have the same slope value?

If the two linear equations have equal slope value, then the equations will have no solutions. m1 = m2 This is because the lines are parallel to each other and do not intersect. System of Linear Equations in Two Variables