
Is Latin or French more useful?

Is Latin or French more useful?

Grammar is straightforward for the most part, and English speakers have an easier time learning it because much of our language derives from it in the first place due to the Norman Conquest. TL;DR: French is easier and more useful in the long run, Latin is difficult and not as useful as one would like.

Is it better to learn Spanish or Latin?

Spanish absolutely has more direct practical use. Latin, or rather the study of Latin, sets you up to learn not just Spanish more easily, but also French, Italian, and any other Romance language you care to name.

Is Latin easier than Spanish?

Latin is hard because it just is. However, Spanish is harder because you are learning a language that you are completely unfamiliar with. Latin is basically how we got English (with some help from the French, Italians and Germans)- it is made up of a lot of root words.

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Why is Latin better than Spanish?

Just because it is no longer a spoken language, Latin is far from dead. It is used everyday in churches, schools, labs, and hospitals; so if someone was planning on taking an interesting and useful language at Battlefield, they should definitely choose Latin.

Is Spanish easier than Latin?

What makes Spanish easier? Grammatically speaking, Spanish actually has fewer irregularities than other Latin-based languages. English speakers also have many opportunities to be exposed to Spanish on a daily basis, especially us Americans.

Should I learn Spanish from Spain?

The main advice is that if you are going to use Spanish in Europe, you should learn Spanish from Spain, and the opposite for Latin America. Some writers say that Latin American Spanish is easier for beginners, even some regions/countries within America (e.g. Central America, Colombia, Ecuador) are easier than others.

Is Spanish a good language to learn before French?

Spanish is, well, a Romance language to begin with. If you already know English and Spanish, you’ll go into French basically knowing every other word. Plus, all that grammar that gives first-time French students nightmares?

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What is the best language to learn after English?

French might be the number one obvious choice. English is a Germanic language with huge numbers of Romance loanwords, most of them from French. Spanish is, well, a Romance language to begin with. If you already know English and Spanish, you’ll go into French basically knowing every other word.

Is French more difficult than Spanish?

Like Spanish, French and English share thousands of cognates – some identical and others very closely related. Grammatically speaking, French is more or less has the same difficulty level as Spanish and other romance languages. It is not a universal myth that French is more complicated than Spanish. Like any other language,

What makes a language easier to learn?

One of the primary forces that spur people to select and learn a language is easier to understand and speak. It is a result of being linguistically similar to your native language. Looking at French and Spanish, we see that they are part of the Romance Language, which directly links Latin and shares a common vocabulary.