
Is philosophy the best degree?

Is philosophy the best degree?

Philosophy majors develop valuable career skills, such as reading and understanding complex materials, making logical arguments, explaining ideas clearly in oral and written form, and thinking about things from multiple perspectives. Philosophy majors who apply their skills in the world of business tend to do well.

Is philosophy a common major?

A site called Match College lists philosophy as the 89th most popular major. It comes in just after “Baking and Pastry” and “Respiratory Therapy,” which is perfect, because if true I will need to take some deep breaths and console myself with a piece of cake. At least philosophy has more majors than engineering.

Is philosophy considered a hard major?

A philosophy major can expect to do a lot of writing, and writing of a rather special kind. Readings for philosophy courses are generally not long, but they are difficult and challenging. You cannot expect to go through an assigned reading once and have an adequate grasp of it.

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Is philosophy an employable degree?

Philosophy graduates are highly employable because philosophy teaches you how to think for yourself, analyse and communicate ideas in a clear, rational and well thought out way.

Is a philosophy major a bad idea?

Many lawyers were philosophy majors. Just a philosophy degree, yes, very bad idea. Couple the philosophy with a degree that has potential, IT, business, engineering, finance, etc. there are some that get lucky and find a job with only a philosophy degree but more often they don’t do so well.

Do philosophy majors make money?

The average salary for philosophy degree jobs varies depending on the industry that is pursued. A philosopher salary can range depending on the field they specialize in. Some philosophy careers may pay around $50,000 while others can exceed upwards of $100,000.

What can I do after BA philosophy?

True, it seems a Philosophy graduate have options like researching, teaching, writing etc but in reality, a Philosophy graduate can become a lawyer, management consultant, journalist, policy analyst, social worker, government employee, public relations officer etc.

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What jobs do philosophy graduates get?

Jobs where your degree would be useful include:

  • Business analyst.
  • Chaplain.
  • Civil Service Fast Streamer.
  • Health service manager.
  • Human resources officer.
  • Local government officer.
  • Marketing executive.
  • Newspaper journalist.