
Is police officer singular or plural?

Is police officer singular or plural?

The plural form of police officer is police officers.

Is it police is coming or police are coming?

If it names the institution of the police, as a governmental body or as a concept in political theory, then it is singular. But when you say “The police are coming!” you almost always mean “various policemen.” Hence the plural verb. Police coming is the correct word.

Do police take or are?

Police is a plural noun and is followed by a plural verb: The police are investigating the case. ✗Don’t say: The police is investigating the case. When talking about someone who works for the police, you say a police officer, a policeman, or a policewoman.

Can I say the police is?

Having that said, both are correct. If the person considers the police as one unit or entity, they will use IS, if they consider it a group of people, they will use ARE. Both are correct, but most think of police as a group of people, and will say ARE more often.

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Is police a collective noun?

The word “police” itself is a collective noun and it is always followed by a plural verb. For example: The police are investigating the bank…

Can we say a police?

When referring to the institution/organization, always use the police. Never say “a police” to talk about an individual.

Why is the word police plural?

Collective nouns refer to groups that are considered as a whole. “Police” is a noun which describes a collection of police officers, it is a collective noun. In American English, collective nouns should only be used with a singular verb.

Why is police plural?

Police is a collective noun. In American English, we almost always consider collective nouns to be singular. Police is one of the few exceptions; we always use plural agreement for this collective noun.

Is police a proper noun?

The police is a common noun, whatever its nationality. The Indian Police Service (Bhāratīya Pulis Sevā) or IPS is a proper noun.

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Is police a singular noun?

Police is a noun which describes a collection of police officers. This means it has no singular form and always uses a plural verb.

Is full form in army?

The army is not an acronym, it is derived from the Latin word “armada”. Armada means “armed” or “armed force”….Indian Army Related Full Forms.

Short Name Full Form
AOC Army Ordinance Corps
EME Electrical & Mechanical Engineers
INSAS Indian Small Arms System
NCC National Cadet Corps

Is it correct to say police are or police is?

“police are” or “police is”(3 answers) Closed last year. I am aware that we alway treat the policeas singular when we refer to it as social instutution. But what about if are refering to policeas a group of people who are policemen? For example: There is/area lot of police around the crime.

What type of noun is police?

Police is a collective noun. Collective nouns are nouns which stand for a group or collection of people or things. They include words such as police, audience, committee, police, crew, family, government, group, and team.

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Is it correct to say the police are investigating the case?

Well, certain words are to be treated as plural although they might look singular. One of such words is POLICE. So, The police ARE (investigating the case) is CORRECT. The police have left the scene of crime.

What is a good sentence for the word police?

This sentence can be dragged on to be indefinite, much like “I said “I said “I said “I said “I said….” [The] police police (Police monitoring the police) police (Monitor) police. Police Police Police (The Police policing the police policing the police policing the police.) Police Police (The police policing the police policing the police.)