
Is there a TV watershed in America?

Is there a TV watershed in America?

United States It presently enforces a 10:00 p.m. watershed, permitting adult content between then and 6:00 a.m. The FCC’s jurisdiction in regards to content applies only to terrestrial television.

What time is watershed USA?

The watershed begins at 9pm and material unsuitable for children should not, in general, be shown before 9pm or after 5.30am.

What are differences between British and US TV shows?

The average British show has roughly 6–8 episodes in a season with an 11 month hiatus. American shows are usually written by a large group of people. They have a writers room to plan everything out. British shows are just written by one or two people.

What does watershed mean in the UK?

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In British English, the noun watershed is used to denote the time in the evening after which programmes that are regarded as unsuitable for children are broadcast on television.

Does British TV allow cursing?

Swearing is acceptable on television in the U.K. but only after 9:00pm. This is the time when it is generally accepted that children are not watching; if children are watching after 9:00pm it’s the responsibility of the parents to make the decision on what is and what is not suitable.

When can you swear on TV?

Broadcasting obscene content is prohibited by law at all times of the day. Indecent and profane content are prohibited on broadcast TV and radio between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience.

Why does British television look different?

British TV has always used a different standard than the American standards. Even in the past they used 576i as their standard analog format. British TV has always used a different standard than the American standards. Even in the past they used 576i as their standard analog format.

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Are there commercials on British television?

On the commercial channels, the amount of airtime allowed by the British broadcasting regulator Ofcom for advertising is an overall average of 7 minutes per hour, with limits of 12 minutes for any particular clock hour (8 minutes per hour between 18.00 and 23.00h).

When did the UK watershed start?

The watershed was introduced in the 1964 Television Act, a consolidation of the 1954 and 1963 Television Acts, based on research including the 1958 Television and the Child Report by Professor Hilde Himmelweit at the London School of Economics, which recommended that television channels acted responsibly when …

Can you say the F word on British TV?

What word can’t you say on English TV?

The seven dirty words are seven English-language curse words that American comedian George Carlin first listed in his 1972 “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television” monologue. The words, in the order Carlin listed them, are: “shit”, “piss”, “fuck”, “cunt”, “cocksucker”, “motherfucker”, and “tits”.

What does watershed mean in TV?

The watershed means the time when TV programmes which might be unsuitable for children can be broadcast.

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Why are UK TV networks so different from US networks?

Therefore, British networks are probably much more introspective and more reliant on domestic success. Increasingly, UK shows have gradually decreased the number of episodes per series in order to produce €˜quality€™ drama which can match US standard.

Why are British TV shows not as popular abroad as American?

Obviously, British television shows do not accumulate anywhere near as the same success abroad, especially not its drama series, and we do not have Hollywood equivalent, in business, location or structure. Therefore, British networks are probably much more introspective and more reliant on domestic success.

What is the watershed in the broadcasting code?

Our Broadcasting Code sets standards for television and radio shows and broadcasters must follow its rules. There are strict rules about what can be shown on TV before the 9pm watershed. But what exactly is the watershed and how does it work? The watershed means the time when TV programmes which might be unsuitable for children can be broadcast.