
Is there anything bigger than the Spinosaurus?

Is there anything bigger than the Spinosaurus?

Giganotosaurus. Until Spinosaurus was discovered, Giganotosaurus was the biggest meat-eating dinosaur around! At 12.5 metres long and possibly weighing 13 tonnes, this is still one big dino!

What is the difference between Spinosaurus and Sigilmassasaurus?

01-The differences: Spinosaurus and Sigilmassasaurus definitely differ in their cervical vertebrae morphology, Spinosaurus on top and Sigilmassasaurus on the bottom with the former neck replicated near the later’s so it is easier to compare the anatomy of the vertebra.

What Carnivore is bigger than a Spinosaurus?

For a long time, Tyrannosaurus rex — “king of the dinosaurs” — was thought to be the largest carnivorous dinosaur. Today, Giganotosaurus is believed to have been slightly larger than T. rex, though even Giganotosaurus ranks behind Spinosaurus in size among the meat-eating dinosaurs.

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Who’s bigger T rex or Spinosaurus?

For starters, Spinosaurus is massive. Measuring in at over 50 feet long, Spinosaurus is nine feet longer than the world’s largest Tyrannosaurus Rex specimen. Unlike land carnivores, Spinosaurus featured dense bones lacking marrow cavities seen in other carnivorous dinosaurs.

Is Sigilmassasaurus real?

Sigilmassasaurus (/siːdʒɪlˌmɑːsəˈsɔːrəs/ see-jil-MAH-sə-SOR-əs; “Sijilmassa lizard”) is a controversial genus of spinosaurid dinosaur that lived approximately 100 to 94 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous Period in what is now northern Africa.

How big was the average Spinosaurus?

Spinosaurus, which was longer and heavier than Tyrannosaurus, is the largest known carnivorous dinosaur. It possessed a skull 1.75 metres (roughly 6 feet) long, a body length of 14–18 metres (46–59 feet), and an estimated mass of 12,000–20,000 kg (13–22 tons).

Are Spinosaurus and Sigilmassasaurus the longest species of spinosaur?

Arden et al., (2018) assigned MSNM V4047 to Sigilmassasaurus but Lakin and Longrich (2018) said that MSNM V4047 didn’t seem to belong to Spinosaurus or Sigilmassasaurus, and said that it belonged to an unnamed species of spinosauridae. Therefore, both Spinosaurus and Sigilmassasaurus might not be the longest species of spinosaur.

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Are there any other fossils similar to Sigilmassasaurus?

The only other fossils of Sigilmassasaurus is some veterbrae. It is doubtful that Sigilmassasaurus even existed in the first place, and Sigilmassasaurus could even be a new species of Spinosaurus or even the same as already established species. In my opinion, FSAC-kk 11888 seems like a more credible specimen for Sigil

Is MSNM V4047 a Spinosaurus or Sigilmassasaurus?

That title seems to have belonged to Sigilmassasaurus. Arden et al., (2018) assigned MSNM V4047 to Sigilmassasaurus but Lakin and Longrich (2018) said that MSNM V4047 didn’t seem to belong to Spinosaurus or Sigilmassasaurus, and said that it belonged to an unnamed species of spinosauridae.

How much did Spinosaurus weigh?

Dal Sasso et al. (2005), when the specimen MSNM V4047 was discovered, gave Spinosaurus a length of 16-18 meters and a weight of 7-9 tons (pg. 895). This was based on the specimen MSNM V4047.