
Is there corruption in forest department?

Is there corruption in forest department?

Types of corruption in the forest sector in India and their impact are described. Although corruption is widespread in the it is mainly ‘petty ‘ but nevertheless contributes to accelerated forest degradation and has serious social consequences, particularly for th who are most dependent on forest resources.

Does Indian Forest Service come under UPSC?

The Indian Forest Service (IFS) is one of the Civil Services Examination conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the recruitment officers at the All India level by the Government of India for the scientific management of its forests. IFS is one of the three All India Services.

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Is Indian Forest Service corrupt?

Corruption. As per media reports, several Forest Service officers have been found corrupt and have been arrested by Central Bureau of Investigation for bribing and corruption. In 2015, Tehelka reported that more than 30 names of Forest Service officers who might have been awarded dubious or suspect Ph.

Is Indian Forest Service Good Quora?

IFS is one the best job which can enable you to work in these areas at the front line. My general interest in forest and wildlife. Being an IFS officer, you can enjoy a lifetime experience of working and living in the most pristine forest areas of India. Less political interference compared to other All India Services.

What is Indian Forest Service salary?

The salary range of IFoS officers can be between INR 50,000-3,00,000 lakhs per month depending on their designations and experience.

Are IFS officers powerful?

IFS officers are powerful in their own right, though they do not have the broad administrative powers that an IAS or IPS officer would have inside the country. Notwithstanding this, they shape India’s foreign policy and can wield a lot of influence on other departments related to their work.

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What is the salary of Indian Forest Service?

Salary structure

Grade (Level in Pay Matrix) Designation in State Government Basic Salary (monthly)
(Above Super Time Scale) Senior Administrative Grade (Pay Level 14) Chief Conservator of Forests ₹1,44200-2,18,200
Super Time Scale (DIG/Conservator Grade) (Pay level 13A) Conservator of Forests ₹1,31,100-2,16,600

What is Indian Forest Service (IFS)?

Indian Forest Service (IFS) is amongst the most prestigious services of our country. It was constituted in the year 1966 under the All India Services Act, 1951 by the Government of India for scientific management of its forests.

What are the powers of an Indian Forest Service officer?

An IFS officer is largely independent of the district administration and exercises administrative, legal and financial powers in his own domain. They search premises, make an arrest for forest law violations and give judgments related to forest matters.

Is ififs part of All India service or state service?

IFS is one of the All India Service, other being IAS and IPS. So the members of these services are recruited by the Centre, but their services are placed under various State cadres, and they have the liability to serve both under the State and under the Centre.

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Do IFS officers get paid more than civil servants?

Any decent IT worker earns more than civil servants. IFS officers don’t get much, if any, money under the table. Our property returns are now online on the Ministry website.