
Is there life after death?

Is there life after death?

Of the 2,060 patients involved in the research who had survived cardiac arrest, almost 40\% said that they recall some form of awareness after being pronounced clinically dead. In a separate study a team of German psychologists and medical doctors also claim to have proven by clinical experimentation, the existence of some form of life after death.

Could near-death experiences be medically supervised?

Using a new type of medically supervised near-death experiences, that allow patients to be clinically dead for almost 20 minutes before being brought back to life.

What happens to the body when a person dies?

When a person dies the physical body ceases to exist. However, the rest of the existence or consciousness continues. The existence of the person minus the physical body is known as the subtle body (linga-dēha) and it comprises of the mental, causal (intellect) and supracausal (subtle ego) bodies.

What happens to your thoughts when you die?

A team of British researchers have “confirmed” that consciousness can go on when someone dies but the study also uncovered some disturbing aspects of the so-called afterlife. The scientists looked at the cases of over 2,000 people and have established that thoughts continue on after their hearts stops beating.

But our souls are eternal. Your deceased loved ones are very much alive and on the other side – heaven, if you will. You cannot die no matter how hard you try.

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What happens to subtle bodies in life after death?

It is important to note that subtle bodies in their life after death at the borderline of just 40\% and thereabouts often get pulled back by negative energies and hence remain in the Nether world ( Bhuvarlok ).

What is the energy of a dead person?

Dead people have no energy. That’s what it means to be dead. Their bodies decay and release a little chemical energy into the environment, but that’s all. Otherwise, they stopped generating energy when their hearts stopped beating and the electro-chemical processes of life ended.

How to attain a higher level of existence in the afterlife?

To attain a higher plane of existence in the afterlife that is beyond Heaven in the afterlife, one needs to be at a spiritual level higher than 60\%. This can only be achieved by consistent spiritual practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual practice along with a major reduction in ego.

What will you be like in the afterlife?

You won’t be eating (no mouth or stomach). You won’t be having sex (no private parts). You won’t be singing (no vocal cords). There are no pizzas in the afterlife, no harps, no electronics, no phones, no hands, no aches, no pains, nothing related to having a body.

What do they show the recently deceased when they visit Earth?

They are shown all the positive impacts they made on Earth first. Starting from birth and extending to death, the recently deceased will see everything playback to them as though on a giant movie screen, projector, or film strip. They usually show this to me as a small, personal movie theater.

Can the dead in heaven see what their loved ones are doing?

If, however, the dead in heaven could see what their loved ones are doing on earth, they certainly would be in pain. They would see many of their loved ones on a course to eternal separation from God. This is certainly inconsistent with what the Bible says about heaven.

Is there life after death and will we go to Heaven?

Scientists finally prove there IS life after death but we might not be going to heaven. A team of British researchers have “confirmed” that consciousness can go on when someone dies but the study also uncovered some disturbing aspects of the so-called afterlife.

What happens to human consciousness after death?

The Increasing Signs That Human Consciousness Remains After Death. Parnia’s research has shown that people who survive medical death frequently report experiences that share similar themes: bright lights; benevolent guiding figures; relief from physical pain and a deeply felt sensation of peace.

Alternatively, if it is true that consciousness is a fundamental force, or stems from another source besides the brain, then it is possible that it may continue in some form after the death of the body. The second reason why I’m open to the possibility of life after death stems from near-death experiences.

Do NDEs prove there is life after death?

Even many skeptics admit that there are serious flaws in trying to explain the experiences as the result of cerebral anoxia, undetected brain activity, a rush of endorphins, or the release of DMT. In a sense, NDEs don’t automatically suggest that there is life after death.

Is consciousness annihilated after death?

“The evidence thus far suggests that in the first few minutes after death, consciousness is not annihilated,” he said in 2008 following the revelation of the results of the landmark AWARE (AWAreness during REsuscitation) study that examined a broad range of mental experiences in relation to death.

Do You Believe in anfterlife?

Of course not. But believing in anfterlife is not a matter of evidence. It’s a matter faith – at least while we’re still in the here and now. Which is exactly why that might seem like the end of the story. But it may not be. Suppose I told you that some really cool things are taking place in some really amazing — but far off — place.

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Do skeptics believe in an afterlife?

To listen to skeptics, only the gullible masses believe in an afterlife, desperate to be reunited with loved ones. As we have shown, however, skeptics are so convinced of their intellectual superiority that they are incapable of examining evidence objectively that contradicts their strongly-held viewpoints.


Can a person be declared dead if they have brain damage?

Where people may have suffered irreversible brain damage and brain death, this leads to a situation where the brain has died, but the person’s heart is still beating, so legally, they are declared dead based upon irreversible brain death, or death by brain death criteria. This happens in a small fraction of the cases where people are declared dead.

Is death an irreversible event?

For millennia death was considered an irreversible event and nothing could restore life. During the last decade, we’ve realized it’s only after a person has died that the cells inside their body, including the brain, begin their own death process.

What happens to your loved ones when you die?

Your loved ones are alive and well in the afterlife Yes, it’s true that our physical bodies do expire/die. But our souls are eternal. Your deceased loved ones are very much alive and on the other side – heaven, if you will. You cannot die no matter how hard you try.

Do our bodies expire/die?

Yes, it’s true that our physical bodies do expire/die. But our souls are eternal. Your deceased loved ones are very much alive and on the other side – heaven, if you will. You cannot die no matter how hard you try.

Are your deceased loved ones alive in spirit?

They aren’t “dead.” Your deceased loved ones are very much alive in spirit. They are still loving and very interested in the goings-on of your life. Yes, my friend, they are very much alive. They can see and hear you and they know what is going on in your life.