
Was God written or inspired by the Bible?

Was God written or inspired by the Bible?

“All Scripture was given by inspiration of God” (KJV and NKJV). Many of the revised or newer translations that have come about over the last century were closer to the original Greek text, but still retain the word “inspired.” For example, “All Scripture is inspired by God” (NRSV, NASB, HCSB, and several others).

What was the Bible influenced by?

Rather than a product of original teachings and divine inspiration, significant portions and many vital moments of the biblical narrative, in both the Old and New Testaments, are, in fact, drawn from far older religious traditions including Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and the beliefs of Mesopotamia.

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What does the Bible say about those who say there is no God?

According to Psalms 14 and 53 the man who says there is no God is corrupt, is a liar, and never does good. It is no surprise that the Apostle Paul cites portions of these psalms in order to make his point that no human is righteous and that none seeks for God (Rom 3:10–12).

Are Bible translations inspired?

In a technical sense, no translation is inspired. In a practical, virtual sense, they are all inspired to that extent whereby they correspond to the content of the original writings. The Bible is inerrant and infallible in all matters which it addresses.

How is the Bible inspired by the word of God?

The entire Scripture is the inspired word of God because the Bible says so (2 Timothy 3:16). The entire Scripture is inspired by God, not just partially or in degree. Although most of the Scripture were verbally conveyed to Gods people through the prophets and apostles, only the Autographs are inspired.

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Does it matter which Bible translation you use?

In their eyes all the versions deserve the title ‘The Word of God’, and any one may be safely used. It is simply a matter of one’s own personal preference. Ask these people, Which Version: Does it Really Matter? and they would give a very simple reply: No! There are no changes of any importance.

Is the Bible inspired of God?

The Bible Is Inspired of God. When the Hebrew words in which the Old Testament was first written, and the Greek words in which the New Testament was first written, are translated correctly, we have the Word of God in the language into which the translation has been made.

Did God write the Bible?

God Did Not Write the Bible…. The Bible is inspired by God. It amazingly records and preserves the Hebrew/Jewish people’s history with God, the life and teachings of Jesus, and the beginnings of the Christian Church. Inspired, yes. There is, however, a critical difference between spiritual revelation and human words.

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What is the doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture?

The doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture essentially teaches that God “superintended” the human authors of the Bible so that their individual styles were preserved but the end result was precisely what God wanted.

Did God dictate his word to the authors of the Bible?

While God did not “dictate” His Word to the human authors, the principle is similar. God, the Ultimate Author of the Bible, used human agents as His “amanuenses,” and the result was the divinely inspired Word of God. Recommended Resource: The Quest Study Bible