
What amazing thing does Uncle Vernon announce to Harry while inside the cupboard?

What amazing thing does Uncle Vernon announce to Harry while inside the cupboard?

One day, Uncle Vernon tells Harry to fetch the mail. Harry notices a letter bearing a coat of arms that is addressed to him in “The Cupboard under the Stairs.” Uncle Vernon grabs the envelope from him and shows it to his wife. Both are shocked.

Why did Vernon hate Harry?

Rowling adds that Vernon hated Harry because he saw father James in him, much in the same way that Snape does. She added that the lie they told to Harry for the first few years of his life – that his parents died in a car crash – was largely based on their own fear of Lord Voldemort.

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What are Uncle Vernon and Harry arguing about at the beginning of the book?

At 4 Privet Drive, the Dursley family is arguing. The Dursleys are “Muggles,” or non-magical people, and they were forced to adopt Harry when his own parents were killed by the greatest wizard of their time, the evil Lord Voldemort.

Did Vernon care about Harry?

Vernon, his wife and his son all left together: he did not care what would happen to Harry and it was Dudley, who had grown to respect Harry for saving his soul, who brought up the issue, though Vernon said little to Harry.

How does Uncle Vernon react to Harry’s dream about a flying motorcycle?

‘A good one’ with a flying motorbike No wonder, when he told Vernon about the dream, his uncle’s reaction was more unreasonably outraged than usual – he must have been terrified there was magic on Harry’s mind…

How is Harry Potter related to Vernon?

Vernon Dursley is Harry’s uncle, married to his aunt Petunia. Uncle Vernon and his wife have grudgingly raised Harry from an early age. He and Petunia were often hostile to Harry and never informed him about the magical world, including how his parents died; instead explaining it away as a car crash.

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What does Uncle Vernon do?

Drill Salesman at Grunnings
Vernon Dursley/Occupations

Did Vernon abuse Harry?

Yes harry was abused by Dursleys: Physically : He used to live in a small cupboard below the staircase and his cousin used to play with him. They used him as a servant. Mentally : He had no social life and refrained to make friends or give his social appearance in front of guests.

Does Vernon hate Harry?

Uncle Vernon’s dislike of Harry stems in part, like Severus Snape’s, from Harry’s close resemblance to the father they both so disliked. Their lies to Harry on the subject of how his parents had died were based largely on their own fears.

What did Lord Vernon do to stop Harry from becoming a wizard?

Vernon tried his hardest to stop Harry knowing about the wizarding world and his true magical heritage and also ignorantly believing along with his wife that their harsh mistreatment of him would prevent his magic from surfacing. Before 1991, Vernon told Harry his parents died in a car crash.

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Does Harry know how severe the punishment is going to be?

He only doesn’t know yet how severe the punishment is going to be this time around. Harry comes home after Fifth Year to more surprises than he anticipated. It all started when he met a new and improved Vernon at the train station. Vernon learns that Harry himself has some surprising secrets for him.

What happens to Harry when he receives a letter he never wanted?

Loud screams come from the kitchen and Harry tries to ignore them. He doesn’t want to get punished, but he knows he will. It’s all his fault for receiving letters he never wanted in the first place. He only doesn’t know yet how severe the punishment is going to be this time around.

What surprises Harry Potter when he comes home after 5th year?

Harry comes home after Fifth Year to more surprises than he anticipated. It all started when he met a new and improved Vernon at the train station. Vernon learns that Harry himself has some surprising secrets for him.