
What are the benefits of the plantation?

What are the benefits of the plantation?

5 Benefits Of Plantation In India

  • Cleaner air across the country. The more trees there are, the cleaner the air will be.
  • Cleaner water and natural filtration. Trees and forests can provide natural filtration, resulting in cleaner water.
  • Carbon sequestration.
  • Controlled temperatures.
  • A new habitat for wildlife.

What is the relation between forest and rain?

The forest creates fresh water runoff for the streams and rivers, and helps pull rainfall in coastal areas inland. In India, deforestation has caused a 30\% drop in rainfall.

What are benefits of reforestation?

Prompt reforestation allows for the accelerated development of forest structure, species composition, and canopy that provides many benefits including wildlife habitat, clean and abundant water, carbon sequestration, forest wood products for consumers, forested recreation opportunities, and maintenance of soil …

What is the relation between rain and trees?

Plants help in bringing rain through transpiration. Transpiration is the process in which aerial parts of the plants lose water as a water vapor during photosynthesis. This water is then added to the normal moisture of the air making the air saturated faster and brings rain.

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What are the advantages of plantation forests?

Plantations also offer important environmental benefits. Plantations, strategically placed in the landscape, are recognised for their importance for sustainable production and improved soil, water quality and salinity mitigation, carbon and biodiversity benefits.

What are 10 benefits of trees?

Top 10 Benefits of Trees

  • Oxygen Provider. One day’s worth of oxygen for a family of four is provided by a single tree.
  • Money Saver.
  • Power Investor.
  • Emission Combater.
  • Air Purifier.
  • Natural Coolant.
  • Stress Reducer.
  • Energy Saver.

How does trees help in rainfall?

The trees help in bringing rain in an indirect way through the process called transpiration. Through transpiration, trees leave the extra water through the stomata on the leaf surfaces. The water evaporates into the air and adds to the moisture of the air. So the air gets saturated faster and brings rain.

How do forests increase rainfall?

becauseRainforests, like all forms of vegetation, affect the “surface albedo” or reflectivity of a surface by absorbing more heat than bare soil. In turn, this warm carries moisture from forest trees into to atmosphere, where it condenses as rain.

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What do you mean by forestation?

Forestation, including forest restoration, reforestation, and afforestation, is the process of restoring damaged forests or growing forests on currently unforested land. Afforestation involves planting trees on land that has not recently been covered with forest.

What are the benefits of afforestation and reforestation?

Benefits of afforestation and reforestation It forms a new, increasingly diverse ecosystem, and thus increases the number of trees over an entire area. Afforestation also allows trees to be planted in target areas, in order to create natural windbreaks, and to reduce flooding, land degradation and erosion.

What is the importance of tree plantation?

Tree plantation is significant because it is linked to our basic need for good food to eat and clean air to breathe. Aside from these necessities, they preserve biodiversity, conserve water, preserve soil, and control climate, among other things.

What is a plantation forest?

Plantation forestry involves planting trees which may be managed for commercial timber production or environmental purposes. Plantation establishment and management operations on both Crown land (including state forests) and freehold land are regulated and supported by the department.

What are the benefits of tree plantation?

Benefits of tree plantation. 1 Benefits of trees to environment. During photosynthesis trees take in atmospheric carbon dioxide and releases oxygen in the atmosphere. Oxygen is 2 Benefits of trees for health. 3 Benefits of trees for wildlife. 4 Benefits of trees as food and as fertilisers. 5 Benefits of trees commercially.

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Are tree plantations a good alternative to natural forest?

Tree and forest plantations are not substitutes for natural forest, but appropriately sited they can alleviate deforestation pressures. Plantations on already degraded land can be an excellent source of industrial-grade timber, pulpwood for paper making, and fuel – solid firewood and charcoal.

What is the economic and ecological importance of plantation forests?

Plantation forests have assumed great economic importance, despite occupying only a small area relative to native forests. They also have potentially great ecological importance, in that they may serve to relieve exploitation pressures that might otherwise affect natural forests (although clearance for agriculture is another matter).

What is the relationship between forestry and rain?

There is an direct relationship between forestry and rain. Without rainfall , no forest can grow successfully, as we all know plants require water for their growth and practically it’s not possible to water a whole forest. So rainfall is very necessary for the purpose.