
What are the disadvantages of open book exams?

What are the disadvantages of open book exams?

Disadvantages of Open Book Examination-

  • Not sure of Equality. It is difficult to judge whether all students have equally prepared for an exam or not.
  • Need More Desk Space. The books and notes take a lot of space.
  • Time-consuming. Sometimes students take a lot of time finding some topics.

Do I need to revise for open book exam?

You need to do as much work for an open-book exam as you would for any other exam, so you do need to revise. This ability to analyse ideas and explain their implications is often not replicated in books or other sources.

Are online open book exams easier?

The timed nature of the exam means that students still need to know the essentials in order to complete the exam within the time available. An online open-book exam may be the easiest alternative to an existing paper exam.

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How do you pass the open book exam?

Preparing notes

  1. Review the subject to get a good overview.
  2. Work out the main themes and topics.
  3. Identify key concepts or information.
  4. Make brief and legible notes.
  5. Summarise important information.
  6. Use clear headings.
  7. Organise notes by topic.
  8. Identify how topics are connected.

Why is open book exam bad?

Open-book exams are not an easy option. Answering the questions well requires more than just copying information straight from texts. Probably the biggest misconception about open-book exams is that there is no need to study. You should study just as you would for any other exam.

Why open book tests are bad?

Other studies have found that weaker students taking open-book exams rely more on their notes and texts than stronger students, and students who used their notes most ended up doing more poorly on the exam, suggesting that open-book exams may actually lead to lower scores.

What is ICAI open book exam?

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is planning to introduce the open book examination concept in the Chartered Accountancy (CA) test in the next couple of years. ICAI president Nihar Jambusariya said that more papers in the CA final exam will be added to the open book system.

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Is CA elective paper open book?

As you might be aware already, all the elective subjects are open book exams. As a quick recap, the elective papers in the CA Final Exam are: Paper 6A: Risk Management.

Can you cheat in an open book exam?

You need to obey the rules determined for your particular course by your particular instructor. “What is considered cheating” is “any violation of the rules announced by your instructor”. It’s irrelevant what anybody else says “open book exam” means or what they might say you can or cannot use.

How do you succeed in open book exam?

What is an open book Examination?

Also, it measures the knowledge level of students. Students can give online exams from their own devices at their own time. The online examination requires an internet connection and a web browser. What is an Open Book Examination? It refers to those exams in which students can consult their books and notebooks.

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What are the pros and cons of open book exams?

Open-book exams can reform the method of teaching and can improve the quality of education. It can also eliminate cheating & copying. Many are of the opinion that students will just copy the content from the textbook. But the questions in open-book exams are formulated in such a way that analysing the content is required.

Are open-book exams the future of higher education in India?

The United States and some other countries have already implemented open-book exams in higher education. In India, the concept of open-book exams is being discussed in the past few years. Some experts are recommending these exams to reform the Indian education system. And some others are against this alternative to normal exams.

What is open-book exam in Delhi University?

Delhi University conducted online open-book exams in 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic. In open-book exams, students are allowed to have their textbooks and other approved reference materials. They can check the material while writing their answers.