
What are the quotes of Imam Ali about life?

What are the quotes of Imam Ali about life?

Quotes By Imam Ali about Life 1 “The days of life pass away like clouds, so do good while you are alive.” 2 “Of all the follies the greatest is to love the World.” 3 “Opportunity is swift of flight but slow to return.” 4 “The most happy is he to whom God has given a good wife.” 5 “Do not sell your conscience for anything but heaven.” More

What is the importance of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib’s quotes?

The quotes by Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib are of high importance and should affect a person immediately and make us active in becoming better Muslims, of course we have the primary sources of Islam i.e. the Quran, Sunnah etc but we can use these beautiful quotes of Imam Ali (ra) to keep our momentum going.

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What are the most popular Islamic sayings?

List Of Popular Islamic Sayings. Alhamdulillah. Praise to Allah. Used to express satisfaction. Commonly used after having finished eating. Also, used frequently as response to when some asks how your day was, “Alhamdulillah, it was good”. Jazaka Allahu Khairan. May Allah reward you with all good.

Who was Hazrat Ali (saw)?

We could go on about the greatness of this great companion of the Prophet (saw) and still would not be able to do any justice. This is what the great biographist Ibn Athir had to say about Hazrat Ali: Ali was the first Caliph both of whose parents were pure Hashimites.

Do not seek help or protection from anybody but Allah?

Do not seek help or protection from anybody but Allah. Reserve your prayers, your requests, your solicitations, your supplications, and your entreaties to Him and Him alone because to grant, to give, to confer and to bestow, as well as to withhold, to deprive, to refuse, and to debar, lies only in His Power.

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Where can I find Imam ‘Ali’s words of wisdom?

[vii] [viii] Some of Imam ‘Ali’s words of wisdom have been preserved and gathered in a collection known as the Path of Eloquence (Nahj al-Balaghah). Here is a taste of some of Imam ‘Ali’s words describing God, in the Sermon of Skeletons (Khutbah al-Ashbah):