
What are the worst healthy foods to eat?

What are the worst healthy foods to eat?

The Top 18 WORST Fake Healthy Foods (Avoid These)

  • YOGURT FLAVORED RAISINS. This one is a real trickster.
  • VEGGIE CHIPS. Chips made from vegetables.

Which is worse bacon or sausage?

Although both meats are high in fat and saturated fat, two links of sausage will cost you a bit more in calories and fat than three strips of bacon.

What are the top 10 Worst Foods?

HowStuffWorks explains that the top 10 worst foods to eat are bacon, artificial sweeteners, shelf-stable condiments, swordfish, processed meat, microwave popcorn, bagels made with refined white flour, stick margarine, some dairy products and deep-fried food.

What is the most disgusting healthy food?

The 6 Most Horrifying Health Foods in the World Shirako, aka Fish Testicles With Semen. Shirako (“white children”) is fish balls, often served up raw in the form of sushi. Tiet Canh, aka Duck Blood Soup. The Vietnamese dish tiet canh is a sort of soup made from a whole duck — the meat, the gizzard, the kidneys, the Yartsa Gunbu, aka Fungus Caterpillars. Yartsa gunbu is the Tibetan name for the sac fungus Ophiocordyceps sinensis, which loosely translates in English to OH DEAR GOD IT’S A FUCKING

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What are the most unpopular foods?


  • Candy corn
  • Cilantro
  • Blue cheese
  • Oysters
  • Black licorice
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Olives
  • Beets
  • Anchovies
  • What is the most disgusting food in the world?

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