
What can you say in a restaurant and in bed?

What can you say in a restaurant and in bed?

What You Can Say At Dinner That You Can Also Say During Sex.

  • It’s really lovely when the four of us can get together like this.
  • How do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never tried it?
  • Stop playing with it and just eat it.
  • It tastes better with whip cream.
  • I am going to need a little wine to wash this down.

What do you say at Mcdonald’s Drive Thru?

When you pull up to the drive thru speaker, do not immediately say something like “Hello… Hello… Anyone there?” Give a few seconds. Part two: When the operator welcomes you after this, do not say…”give me a minute.”

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How do you greet in drive thru?

Make your drive thru more efficient and a better experience for your customers with these tips.

  1. Greet customers with a friendly, enthusiastic, two-part greeting.
  2. “Please” and “thank you” spark feelings of appreciation and build loyal customers.

What triggers Drive Thru?

We have cameras that let us see the drive thru. There are also sensors outside by the speakers. When your vehicle triggers the sensor, our headsets will beep to indicate that somebody is there. If there is an automated greeter (not every location uses them), the recording is triggered at the same time.

How do you order someone’s fast food?

Just be respectful, polite, and make sure that you are as clear as possible. Make sure to say “thank you” after you finish. How do I take an order from a customer when multiple people are all talking and trying to place their orders? You can politely say: “Excuse me, but could just one person do the talking?

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What to say when taking orders at mcdonalds?

Greet the customer (Example: Welcome to McDonald’s, may I take your order?). 2. Take the order (asking every once in a while, anything else? or will that be all?). 3.

Can Mcdonalds see you in the drive thru?

Yes, they have cameras. it’s how they know for sure someone is there and how they can keep an eye on traffic flow. Plus, it’s great for insurance purposes.

How do you write down orders?

Label a notepad with the table and seat numbers. Put the table number at the top of the notepad’s page so you don’t forget the order. Write the number “1” in the left margin of the page and leave a 3–4 lines to write down the order. Continue numbering down the page for the number of people at the table.
