
What computer normally commands the operation of the elevators and horizontal stabilizer?

What computer normally commands the operation of the elevators and horizontal stabilizer?

ELAC – Normally ELAC 1 commands the operation of the ailerons and ELAC 2 commands the operation of the elevators and horizontal stabilizer.

What is a minimum equipment list FAA?

The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) is a document and method aircraft operators use to obtain relief from Federal Aviation Regulations requiring that all equipment installed on the aircraft be operative at the time of flight.

What is the minimum equipment list MEL and its purpose?

Definitions. A minimum equipment list (MEL) is a list which provides for the operation of aircraft, subject to specified conditions, with particular equipment inoperative (which is) prepared by an operator in conformity with, or more restrictive than, the MMEL established for the aircraft type.

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What is SEC A320?

SEC – The Spoiler Elevator Computers 1, 2, and 3 command spoiler operation. ON – When the associated flight control computer switch is ON, it engages the computer and lights are extinguished. The SECs control the following: Normal roll by controlling the spoilers. Speed brakes and ground spoilers.

How many computers does the A320 have?

The A320 has five major computers at the heart of its control system, four of which are capable of controlling all major functions should the others fail. In addition, two other computers provide a connection between the mechanically operated parts of the rudder and the fly-by-wire system.

Does a Cessna 172 have an MEL?

Doc Holliday Pattern Altitude Doubt your 172 has a MEL. A Cessna 172 MEL has to be developed from the generic SE MMEL, then submitted to the FSDO for approval. Bell206 likes this.

What does Mel mean in aviation?

Minimum Equipment List
Best Practices. The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) is a document and method aircraft operators use to obtain relief from Federal Aviation Regulations requiring that all equipment installed on the aircraft be operative at the time of flight.

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What equipment Cannot be listed on an Mel?

It may not include items like galley equipment, entertainment systems, passenger convenience equipment, which do not affect the airworthiness of an aircraft. All items which affect the airworthiness of aircraft or safety of those carried on board and are not included in MEL are required to be operative.

Is the American Airbus A320 flight training department approved?

Disclaimer: NOT approved by American Airbus A320 Flight Training Dept. For study only, use at own risk, last update –03/20/21 These notes are intended to be used in conjunction with the Operating Manual and Flight Manual. As always, the OM, FM and American Airbus A320 Training Dept are your final authorities.

What is the iPad interactive book for Airbus A320 type rating?

The iPad interactive book is an indispensable tool for pilots seeking the Airbus A320 type rating.

How much does an A320 fuel tank weigh?

A319/A320 A321 Wing tanks: 27,500 lbs 27,500 lbs. Center tank: 14,500 lbs. 14,500 lbs. Additional Center tanks: N/A 10,500 lbs. Total useable fuel: 42,000 lbs. 52,500 lbs.

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Does the A321 have a transfer valve on the wings?

The A321 wing tanks do not have an outer and inner tank and there are no transfer valves to latch open. All the wing fuel is in one wing tank and total wing fuel remains the same as the A319/320. Please understand that the pumps in the wing must be running in order to power the center tank jet pumps and transfer fuel.