
What did Palpatine say about Order 66?

What did Palpatine say about Order 66?

Palpatine sensed that Order 66 had gone wrong. He called Vader back and told him that the Jedi had been alerted of their operations, and their efforts had failed. The Jedi would now attack the Senate and murder him and the other Senators.

Who did Palpatine say to Order 66?

In Episode 3, Commander Cody received a personal order from the Supreme Chancellor. This sets off Order 66.

Why did the clones execute Order 66 without hesitation?

Because they had a bio-chip implanted in their brains that made them obey without hesitation when the command was given. They were Sith bred and controlled for that moment. A few Clones became aware of the chip and had it removed.

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How did the clone troopers feel about Order 66?

Originally Answered: Did any clone commanders in star wars feel bad when executing order 66? They didn’t feel anything, they, as always, did their job. They received an order from Palpatine which activated the chip in their heads causing them kill Jedi, all Jedi, any Jedi.

What was Order 37?

Order 37 was one of 150 contingency orders that all clones had been programmed to follow, due to the inhibitor chip inserted in their brain at birth. This particular order dealt with the capture of a single wanted individual through the mass arrest and threatened execution of a civilian population.

Why was Order 66 given to Palpatine?

Order 66 was used after about 3 years of fighting during the Clone Wars. The primary goal was to wipe out the Jedi. When it was given, the excuse was that there were signs of a Jedi rebellion against the Republic, which was an entirely manufactured reason. If Palpatine was just going…

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What happened to Order 66 at the end of Clone Wars?

Towards the end of the Clone Wars (ROTS), Republic forces were winning the war, chasing Separatists out of the Mid-Rim worlds and toward the Outer-Rim. When Grievous was finally killed, the Jedi Council tried to have Palpatine step down and that was his opportunity to give Order 66.

What is the significance of Order 66?

While there are many theories regarding the significance of Order 66, one theory suggests that the name was inspired by Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066 from World War II.

What happened to Order 66 after grievous was killed?

When Grievous was finally killed, the Jedi Council tried to have Palpatine step down and that was his opportunity to give Order 66. There was more involved than elimination of the Jedi order.